
To run gerber2blend, execute:


On first use, gerber2blend will generate a default configuration file blendcfg.yml in the current directory. This file can be adjusted to match a project, for example by changing the names of required Gerber files.

Required input files

By default gerber2blend operates on fabrication outputs found in the fab/ subdirectory in the directory from which the tool is executed. In order to generate a model, first create a fab/ directory:

cd [path to project repository]/
mkdir fab/

Next, you must generate the fabrication outputs using the EDA of the project. gerber2blend requires the following outputs:

  • Gerbers:

    • Edge Cuts

    • Front/Back Copper

    • Front/Back Silkscreen

    • Front/Back Mask

    • Front/Back Fabrication (optional)

    • Front/Back Paste (optional)

    • Inner Copper (optional)

  • Drill Files (PTH/NPTH) (optional)


The default configuration supports KiCad7 filenames for the fab files out of the box, while others will require tweaks to the blendcfg.yaml file.

Stackup format

gerber2blend needs a stackup JSON file containing data about layers defined in the PCB design. gerber2blend expects the stackup file to be in the FAB_DIR path. An example 4-layer stackup.json file looks as follows:

    "layers": [
            "name": "F.Silkscreen",
            "thickness": null
            "name": "F.Paste",
            "thickness": null
            "name": "F.Mask",
            "thickness": 0.01
            "name": "F.Cu",
            "thickness": 0.035
            "name": "dielectric 1",
            "thickness": 0.12
            "name": "In1.Cu",
            "thickness": 0.035
            "name": "dielectric 2",
            "thickness": 1.2
            "name": "In2.Cu",
            "thickness": 0.035
            "name": "dielectric 3",
            "thickness": 0.12
            "name": "B.Cu",
            "thickness": 0.035
            "name": "B.Mask",
            "thickness": 0.01
            "name": "B.Paste",
            "thickness": null
            "name": "B.Silkscreen",
            "thickness": null

Layers named F.Cu, B.Cu or InX.Cu are interpreted as copper layers. F.Mask, B.Mask and dielectric layers are interpreted as non-copper and will be added to the prepreg mesh in the model.


The resulting PCB model file, <project-name>.blend, is saved in [path to project repository]/fab/.

Additional CLI arguments

gerber2blend supports the following command arguments:

  • -r - refreshes the generated board model in fab/<project-name>.blend - use it after implementing changes to input files. Calling it in a project where gerber2blend outputs already exist, will remove these files and generate new ones.

  • -c PRESET_NAME - uses a selected blendcfg preset (see: Custom config settings)

  • -d - enables debug logging

  • -g - copies blendcfg.yaml file from template into current working directory. This will overwrite the existing config file.

Last update: 2025-03-21