RDFM Server API Reference¶
API Authentication¶
By default, the RDFM server expects all API requests to be authenticated. Depending on the type of the API, this can be either:
Device Token
Management Token
In either case, the server expects the token to be passed as part of the request, in the HTTP Authorization header. An example authenticated request is shown below:
GET /api/v1/groups HTTP/1.1
Host: rdfm-server:5000
User-Agent: python-requests/2.31.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Bearer token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cC<...truncated...>RpPonb7-IAsk89YpGayxg
Any request that was not successfully authenticated (because of a missing or otherwise invalid token) will return the 401 Unauthorized status code. Additionally, in the case of management tokens, if the given token does not provide sufficient access to the requested resource, the request will be rejected with a 403 Forbidden status code. This can happen if the token does not claim all scopes required by the target endpoint (for example: trying to upload a package using a read-only token).
Error Handling¶
Should an error occur during the handling of an API request, either because of incorrect request data or other endpoint-specific scenarios, the server will return an error structure containing a user-friendly description of the error. An example error response is shown below:
"error": "delete failed, the package is assigned to at least one group"
Packages API¶
- GET /api/v1/packages¶
Fetch a list of packages uploaded to the server
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
id (integer) – package identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
sha256 (string) – sha256 of the uploaded package
driver (string) – storage driver used to store the package
metadata (dict[str, str]) – package metadata (key/value pairs)
Example Request
GET /api/v1/packages HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "created": "Thu, 17 Aug 2023 10:41:08 GMT", "id": 1, "metadata": { "rdfm.hardware.devtype": "dummydevice", "rdfm.software.version": "v10", "rdfm.storage.local.length": 4194304, "rdfm.storage.local.uuid": "6f7483ac-5cde-467f-acf7-39e4b397e313" }, "driver": "local", "sha256": "4e415854e6d0cf9855b2290c02638e8651537989b8862ff9c9cb91b8d956ea06" } ]
- POST /api/v1/packages¶
Upload an update package.
Uploads an update package to the server. Remaining key/value pairs in the form request are used as metadata for the artifact.
If required, an additional storage directory can be specified that indicates the directory within server-side storage that the package is placed in.
- Form Parameters:¶
file – binary contents of the package
rdfm.software.version – required: software version of the package
rdfm.hardware.devtype – required: compatible device type
rdfm.storage.directory – optional: storage directory specific to the current storage driver
... – remaining package metadata
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error, package was uploaded
400 Bad Request – provided metadata contains keys reserved by RDFM or a file was not provided
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to upload packages
Example Request
POST /api/v1/packages HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Content-Length: 4194738 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------0f8f9642db3a513e --------------------------0f8f9642db3a513e Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rdfm.software.version" v10 --------------------------0f8f9642db3a513e Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rdfm.hardware.devtype" dummydevice --------------------------0f8f9642db3a513e Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.img" Content-Type: application/octet-stream <file contents> --------------------------0f8f9642db3a513e--
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with the appropriate package write scope. Available scopes are:
- single file package,rdfm_upload_rootfs_image
- rootfs image package.``rdfm_admin_rw`` - all package write scopes.
- DELETE /api/v1/packages/(int: identifier)¶
Delete the specified package
Deletes the specified package from the server and from the underlying storage. The package can only be deleted if it’s not assigned to any group.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – package identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete packages
404 Not Found – specified package does not exist
409 Conflict – package is assigned to a group and cannot be deleted
Example Request
DELETE /api/v1/packages/1 HTTP/1.1
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- GET /api/v1/packages/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch information about a single package given by the specified ID
- Parameters:¶
identifier – package identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
404 Not Found – specified package does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – package identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
sha256 (string) – sha256 of the uploaded package
driver (string) – storage driver used to store the package
metadata (dict[str, str]) – package metadata (simple key/value pairs)
Example Request
GET /api/v1/packages/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Thu, 17 Aug 2023 10:41:08 GMT", "id": 1, "metadata": { "rdfm.hardware.devtype": "dummydevice", "rdfm.software.version": "v10", "rdfm.storage.local.length": 4194304, "rdfm.storage.local.uuid": "6f7483ac-5cde-467f-acf7-39e4b397e313" }, "driver": "local", "sha256": "4e415854e6d0cf9855b2290c02638e8651537989b8862ff9c9cb91b8d956ea06" }
- GET /api/v1/packages/(int: identifier)/download¶
Create a download link for a given package. The link expires after an hour.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – package identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to download packages
404 Not Found – specified package does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
download_url (string) – the generated download link
Example Request
GET /api/v1/packages/1/download HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { download_url: "http://rdfm-server:5000/local_storage/073a9de3-ced4-4089-a5fa-81953781c0e6" }
- GET /local_storage/(path: name)¶
Endpoint for exposing local package storage.
WARNING: Local storage should not be used in production deployment, only for local testing! This will be disabled in the future for non-prod configurations.
- Parameters:¶
name – identifier (UUID) of the package object in local storage
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – specified package does not exist
This is a public API route; no authorization is required to access it.
Group API¶
- POST /api/v2/groups¶
Create a new group
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to create groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
- Request JSON Object:¶
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata
priority (optional[int]) – priority of the group, lower value takes precedence
Example request
POST /api/v2/groups/1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { priority: 1, "metadata": { "description": "A test group", } }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:50:40 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 2, "packages": [], "priority": 1, "metadata": { "description": "A test group", }, "policy": "no_update," }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- GET /api/v2/groups¶
Fetch all groups
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
id (integer) – group identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
packages (array[integer]) – currently assigned package identifiers
devices (array[integer]) – currently assigned device identifiers
metadata (dict[str, str]) – group metadata
policy (str) – group update policy
priority (integer) – group priority
Example Request
GET /api/v2/groups HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:00:56 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 1, "packages": [], "metadata": {}, "policy": "no_update,", "priority": 25 } ]
- DELETE /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)¶
Delete a group
The group being deleted must NOT be assigned to any devices.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
409 Conflict – at least one device is still assigned to the group
Example Request
DELETE /api/v2/groups/1 HTTP/1.1
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- GET /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch information about a group
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
404 Not Found – group does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – group identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
packages (array[integer]) – currently assigned package identifiers
devices (array[integer]) – currently assigned device identifiers
metadata (dict[str, str]) – group metadata
policy (str) – group update policy
priority (integer) – group priority
Example Request
GET /api/v2/groups/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:00:56 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 1, "packages": [], "metadata": {}, "policy": "no_update,", "priority": 25 }
- PATCH /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)/devices¶
Modify the list of devices assigned to a group
This endpoint allows modifying the list of devices assigned to the group, as described by two arrays containing device identifiers of devices that will be added/removed from the group.
This operation is atomic - if at any point an invalid device identifier is encountered, the entire operation is aborted. This covers:
Any device identifier which does not match a registered device
Any device identifier in additions which already has an assigned group which has the same priority as the group specified by identifier (even if the group is the same as specified by identifier)
Any device identifier in removals which is not currently assigned to the specified group
Additions are evaluated first, followed by the removals.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
409 Conflict – one of the conflict situations described above has occurred
- Request JSON Object:¶
add (array[string]) – identifiers of devices that should be assigned to the group
remove (array[string]) – identifiers of devices that should be removed from the group
Example request
PATCH /api/v2/groups/1/devices HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "add": [ 1, 2, 5, ] "remove": [ 3, ] }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- POST /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)/package¶
Assign a package to a specific group
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – invalid request schema
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to assign packages
404 Not Found – the specified package or group does not exist
409 Conflict – the package/group was modified or deleted during the operation
- Request JSON Object:¶
packages (array[integer]) – identifiers of the packages to assign, or empty array
Example request
POST /api/v2/groups/1/package HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "packages": [1], }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- POST /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)/policy¶
Change the update policy of the group
The update policy defines the target versions that each device within the group should be receiving. For information about group policies, consult the OTA manual.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – invalid request schema, or an invalid policy schema was requested
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to modify groups
404 Not Found – the specified group does not exist
- Request JSON Object:¶
policy (string) – new group policy string to set
Example Request
POST /api/v2/groups/1/policy HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "policy": "exact_match,v1", }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- POST /api/v2/groups/(int: identifier)/priority¶
Change the priority of the group
The priority controls which group will be applied to a device which is assigned to multiple groups.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to modify groups
404 Not Found – the specified group does not exist
409 Conflict – at least one device which is assigned to this group is also
assigned to another group with the requested priority
- Request JSON Object:¶
priority (int) – new group priority to set
Example Request
POST /api/v2/groups/1/priority HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "priority": 1, }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Group API (legacy)¶
- POST /api/v1/groups¶
Create a new group
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to create groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
- Request JSON Object:¶
key (any) – metadata value
Example request
POST /api/v1/groups/1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "description": "A test group", }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:50:40 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 2, "packages": [], "metadata": { "description": "A test group", }, "policy": "no_update," }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- GET /api/v1/groups¶
Fetch all groups
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
id (integer) – group identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
packages (array[integer]) – currently assigned package identifiers
devices (array[integer]) – currently assigned device identifiers
metadata (dict[str, str]) – group metadata
policy (str) – group update policy
Example Request
GET /api/v1/groups HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:00:56 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 1, "packages": [], "metadata": {}, "policy": "no_update," } ]
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-only scope
or administrative scoperdfm_admin_rw
- DELETE /api/v1/groups/(int: identifier)¶
Delete a group
The group being deleted must NOT be assigned to any devices.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
409 Conflict – at least one device is still assigned to the group
Example Request
DELETE /api/v1/groups/1 HTTP/1.1
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- GET /api/v1/groups/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch information about a group
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
404 Not Found – group does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – group identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
packages (array[integer]) – currently assigned package identifiers
devices (array[integer]) – currently assigned device identifiers
metadata (dict[str, str]) – group metadata
policy (str) – group update policy
Example Request
GET /api/v1/groups/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:00:56 GMT", "devices": [], "id": 1, "packages": [], "metadata": {}, "policy": "no_update," }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-only scope
or administrative scoperdfm_admin_rw
- PATCH /api/v1/groups/(int: identifier)/devices¶
Modify the list of devices assigned to a group
This endpoint allows modifying the list of devices assigned to the group, as described by two arrays containing device identifiers of devices that will be added/removed from the group.
This operation is atomic - if at any point an invalid device identifier is encountered, the entire operation is aborted. This covers:
Any device identifier which does not match a registered device
Any device identifier in additions which already has an assigned group (even if the group is the same as specified by identifier)
Any device identifier in removals which is not currently assigned to the specified group
Additions are evaluated first, followed by the removals.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete groups
404 Not Found – group does not exist
409 Conflict – one of the conflict situations described above has occurred
- Request JSON Object:¶
add (array[string]) – identifiers of devices that should be assigned to the group
remove (array[string]) – identifiers of devices that should be removed from the group
Example request
PATCH /api/v1/groups/1/devices HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "add": [ 1, 2, 5, ] "remove": [ 3, ] }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- POST /api/v1/groups/(int: identifier)/package¶
Assign a package to a specific group
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – invalid request schema
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to assign packages
404 Not Found – the specified package or group does not exist
409 Conflict – the package/group was modified or deleted during the operation
- Request JSON Object:¶
packages (array[integer]) – identifiers of the packages to assign, or empty array
Example request
POST /api/v1/groups/1/package HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "packages": [1], }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- POST /api/v1/groups/(int: identifier)/policy¶
Change the update policy of the group
The update policy defines the target versions that each device within the group should be receiving. For information about group policies, consult the OTA manual.
- Parameters:¶
identifier – group identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – invalid request schema, or an invalid policy schema was requested
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to modify groups
404 Not Found – the specified group does not exist
- Request JSON Object:¶
policy (string) – new group policy string to set
Example Request
POST /api/v1/groups/1/policy HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "policy": "exact_match,v1", }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
Update API¶
- POST /api/v1/update/check¶
Check for available updates
Device clients must call this endpoint with their associated metadata. At minimum, the rdfm.software.version, rdfm.hardware.devtype and rdfm.hardware.macaddr pairs must be present. Based on this metadata, the device’s currently assigned groups (if any) and package, an update package is picked from the available ones. If more than one group is assigned, the group with the lowest priority value takes precedence.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – an update is available
204 No Content – no updates are available
400 Bad Request – device metadata is missing device type, software version, and/or MAC address
401 Unauthorized – device did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Request JSON Array of Objects:¶
rdfm.software.version (string) – required: running software version
rdfm.hardware.devtype (string) – required: device type
rdfm.hardware.macaddr (string) – required: MAC address (used as ID)
... (string) – other device metadata
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – package identifier
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
sha256 (string) – sha256 of the uploaded package
uri (string) – generated URI for downloading the package
Example Request
POST /api/v1/update/check HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json { "rdfm.software.version": "v0.0.1", "rdfm.hardware.macaddr": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "rdfm.hardware.devtype": "example" }
Example Responses
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:03:27 GMT", "id": 1, "sha256": "4e415854e6d0cf9855b2290c02638e8651537989b8862ff9c9cb91b8d956ea06", "uri": "" }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a device token.
Device Management API¶
- GET /api/v2/devices¶
Fetch a list of devices registered on the server
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
id (integer) – device identifier
last_access (string) – UTC datetime of last access to the server (RFC822)
name (string) – device-reported user friendly name
mac_addr (string) – device-reported MAC address
groups (optional[array[integer]]) – group identifiers of assigned groups
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata (key/value pairs)
capabilities (dict[str, bool]) – device RDFM client capabilities
Example Request
GET /api/v1/devices HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "capabilities": { "exec_cmds": false, "file_transfer": true, "shell_connect": true }, "groups": [1], "id": 1, "last_access": null, "mac_address": "loopback", "metadata": {}, "name": "dummy_device" } ]
- GET /api/v2/devices/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch information about a single device given by the identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
404 Not Found – device with the specified identifier does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – device identifier
last_access (string) – UTC datetime of last access to the server (RFC822)
name (string) – device-reported user friendly name
mac_addr (string) – device-reported MAC address
groups (optional[array[integer]]) – group identifiers of assigned groups
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata (key/value pairs)
capabilities (dict[str, bool]) – device RDFM client capabilities
Example Request
GET /api/v2/devices/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "capabilities": { "exec_cmds": false, "file_transfer": true, "shell_connect": true }, "groups": [1], "id": 1, "last_access": null, "mac_address": "loopback", "metadata": {}, "name": "dummy_device" }
- GET /api/v2/devices/(string: mac_address)/action/exec/(string: action_id)¶
Execute action on the device.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
500 Internal Server Error – action doesn’t exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
output (string) – base64 encoded action output
status_code (integer) – action exit status
Example Request
GET /api/v2/devices/d8:5e:d3:86:02:f2/action/exec/echo HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "output": "RXhlY3V0aW5nIGVjaG8gYWN0aW9uCg==", "status_code": 0 }
- GET /api/v2/devices/(string: mac_address)/action/list¶
Fetch the list of actions executable on the device.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
- Response JSON Object:¶
action_id (string) – action identifier
action_name (string) – human readable name
command (array[string]) – command to execute
description (string) – human readable description
timeout (number) – command timeout
Example Request
GET /api/v2/devices/d8:5e:d3:86:02:f2/action/list HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "action_id": "echo", "action_name": "Echo", "command": [ "echo", "Executing echo action" ], "description": "Description of echo action", "timeout": 1.0 }, { "action_id": "sleepTwoSeconds", "action_name": "Sleep 2", "command": [ "sleep", "2" ], "description": "Description of sleep 2 seconds action", "timeout": 3.0 }, { "action_id": "sleepFiveSeconds", "action_name": "Sleep 5", "command": [ "sleep", "5" ], "description": "This action will timeout", "timeout": 3.0 } ]
Device Management API (legacy)¶
- GET /api/v1/devices¶
Fetch a list of devices registered on the server
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
id (integer) – device identifier
last_access (string) – UTC datetime of last access to the server (RFC822)
name (string) – device-reported user friendly name
mac_addr (string) – device-reported MAC address
group (optional[integer]) – group identifier of assigned group
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata (key/value pairs)
capabilities (dict[str, bool]) – device RDFM client capabilities
Example Request
GET /api/v1/devices HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "capabilities": { "exec_cmds": false, "file_transfer": true, "shell_connect": true }, "group": 1, "id": 1, "last_access": null, "mac_address": "loopback", "metadata": {}, "name": "dummy_device" } ]
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-only scope
or administrative scoperdfm_admin_rw
- GET /api/v1/devices/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch information about a single device given by the identifier
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
404 Not Found – device with the specified identifier does not exist
- Response JSON Object:¶
id (integer) – device identifier
last_access (string) – UTC datetime of last access to the server (RFC822)
name (string) – device-reported user friendly name
mac_addr (string) – device-reported MAC address
group (optional[integer]) – group identifier of assigned group
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata (key/value pairs)
capabilities (dict[str, bool]) – device RDFM client capabilities
Example Request
GET /api/v1/devices/1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "capabilities": { "exec_cmds": false, "file_transfer": true, "shell_connect": true }, "group": 1, "id": 1, "last_access": null, "mac_address": "loopback", "metadata": {}, "name": "dummy_device" }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-only scope
or administrative scoperdfm_admin_rw
Device Authorization API¶
- POST /api/v1/auth/device¶
Device authorization endpoint
All device clients must first authorize with the RDFM server via this endpoint.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – invalid schema, or provided signature is invalid
401 Unauthorized – device was not authorized by an administrator yet
- Request JSON Object:¶
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata
public_key (str) – the device’s RSA public key, in PEM format, with newline characters escaped
timestamp (int) – POSIX timestamp at the time of making the request
Example Request
POST /api/v1/auth/device HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json X-RDFM-Device-Signature: FGACvvZ4CFC0np9Z8QNeuF8jnaE7y8v532FNtwMjkWKyT6sHj0hTIgggxfgaC1mOmY/9xmnwv2aQLgUxbzCJs0yf1/PyxG3Gyf8Mt47+aXbT4/Mj8j++8EB2QxbB9TKwZiCGa+lkevXsZwOrD6l4WNWUeQFA/jgWzTLoYxsIdz0= { "metadata": { "rdfm.software.version": "v0", "rdfm.hardware.devtype": "dummy", "rdfm.hardware.macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00" }, "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCVqdgCAfyXUqLfOpHYwHFv4OQL\n2p3LwHm5ag9XMY2ylvqU2r9eGNWkdXTtEnL81S6u+4CDFNmbUuimoeDMazqSKYED\n3FtOU4+FrqaHf7T3oMkng5mNHcAqbyq6WAXs/HrXfvj7lR38qLJXgslgR3Js3M0k\nB91oGfFwUa7I67BZYwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "timestamp": 1694414456 }
Example Response
Unauthorized device:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/json
Authorized device:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "expires": 300, "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXZpY2VfaWQiOiIwMDowMDowMDowMDowMDowMCIsImNyZWF0ZWQiOjE2OTQ0MTQ0NTYsImV4cGlyZXMiOjMwMH0.cG37RTA1niB8NhokqI0ryvDKZj_0eRpWWEeqawu4IYE" }
This is a public API route; no authorization is required to access it.
- GET /api/v1/auth/pending¶
Fetch all pending registrations
This endpoint returns device registrations requests that have not been accepted by an administrator yet.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
metadata (dict[str, str]) – device metadata
public_key (str) – the device’s RSA public key, in PEM format, with newline characters escaped
mac_address (str) – the device’s MAC address
last_appeared (str) – datetime (RFC822) of the last registration request made by the device
Example Request
GET /api/v1/auth/registrations HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "last_appeared": "Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:40:49 GMT", "mac_address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "metadata": { "rdfm.hardware.devtype": "dummy", "rdfm.hardware.macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "rdfm.software.version": "v0" }, "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCdBgmI/FGkb17Bcxr99lEF1Nof\njwQaPcipnBWW+S3N6c937rGkINH0vkHMjcS3HRF2ku6/Knjj4uXrZtbwUbPoP4bP\nbK+HrYVw9Di6hTHr042W7FxIzU3howCF68QQnUMG/5XmqwdsucH1gMRv8cuU21Vz\nQazvf08UWZCUeQjw5QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" } ]
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-only scope
or administrative scoperdfm_admin_rw
- POST /api/v1/auth/register¶
Accept registration request
Accepts an incoming device registration request. As a result, the device will be allowed access to the RDFM server on next registration attempt.
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to change device registration status
404 Not Found – the specified registration request does not exist
- Request JSON Object:¶
public_key (str) – RSA public key used in the registration request
mac_address (str) – MAC address used in the registration request
Example Request
POST /api/v1/auth/registrations HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json { "mac_address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCdBgmI/FGkb17Bcxr99lEF1Nof\njwQaPcipnBWW+S3N6c937rGkINH0vkHMjcS3HRF2ku6/Knjj4uXrZtbwUbPoP4bP\nbK+HrYVw9Di6hTHr042W7FxIzU3howCF68QQnUMG/5XmqwdsucH1gMRv8cuU21Vz\nQazvf08UWZCUeQjw5QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
Permissions API¶
- POST /api/v1/permissions¶
Create a new permission
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to create permissions
Example Request
POST /api/v1/permissions HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "resource": "group", "resource_id": 5, "user_id": "095e4160-9017-4868-82a5-fe0a0c44d34c", "permission": "read" }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:03:44 -0000", "id": 26, "permission": "read", "resource": "group", "resource_id": 5, "user_id": "095e4160-9017-4868-82a5-fe0a0c44d34c" }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- GET /api/v1/permissions¶
Fetch all permissions
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to read permissions
- Response JSON Array of Objects:¶
created (string) – UTC creation date (RFC822)
id (integer) – permission identifier
permission (str) – permission type (read/update/delete)
resource (str) – type of resource (group/device/package)
user_id (str) – id of the user to whom this permission applies
resource_id (integer) – id of the resource to which this permission applies
Example Request
GET /api/v1/permissions HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "created": "Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:31:53 -0000", "id": 1, "permission": "read", "resource": "group", "resource_id": 2, "user_id": "095e4160-9017-4868-82a5-fe0a0c44d34c" } ]
Accessing this endpoint requires providing an authorization token
- DELETE /api/v1/permissions/(int: identifier)¶
Delete permission
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to delete permissions
Example Request
DELETE /api/v1/permissions/26 HTTP/1.1
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json {}
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope
- GET /api/v1/permissions/(int: identifier)¶
Fetch permission
- Status Codes:¶
200 OK – no error
401 Unauthorized – user did not provide authorization data, or the authorization has expired
403 Forbidden – user was authorized, but did not have permission to read permissions
Example Request
GET /api/v1/permissions/26 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "created": "Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:03:44 -0000", "id": 26, "permission": "read", "resource": "group", "resource_id": 5, "user_id": "095e4160-9017-4868-82a5-fe0a0c44d34c" }
Accessing this endpoint requires providing a management token with read-write scope