
The Accelerator Interface Generator (AIG) is a vendor independent project aiming to enhance interest and accessibility of computing on edge with FPGA devices. AIG offers a framework that automates the process of developing AI accelerators for different FPGA chips. Given accelerator’s source code and its configuration, it incorporates two DMAs, accelerator and custom, user-specified CSRs.

The only requirement for the accelerator is that it is compatible with AXI Stream for I/O operations.

All configuration is declared via configuration file. The comprehensive description can be found under Configuration section.

AIG provides functionality to generate example LiteX target boards including the accelerator design.

The targets that are currently supported are:

  • Zynq Video Board with Zynq 7000 SoC

  • Arty A7 with open source RISCV CPU

AIG provides a sample cocotb test suite for an example accelerator, which contains configuration-independent definition of AIGTestInterface making it easily adaptable to custom use cases.

Last update: 2024-04-02