
Generate target

In order to generate a target containing AIG design run:

make target AIG_CONFIG=<path_to_aig_config> TARGET_CONFIG=<path_to_target_config>

Where the AIG_CONFIG is the path to the configuration for the AIG and the TARGET_CONFIG is the path to the target FPGA device configuration.

The generated target will be saved in file.

To synthesize, place, route & generate bitstream, run:

python3 --build

Expand the supported targets

If the chosen TARGET is not supported, one can easily extend the target generation with said target.

The first step is to extend the enums within with the new target:

class SoCTarget(StrEnum):
	arty = "digilent_arty"
	zvb = "antmicro_zynq_video_board"
	tg = "new_target"

class SoCPlatform(StrEnum):
	arty = "digilent_arty"
	zvb = "antmicro_zynq_video_board"
	tg = "platform_for_the_new_target"

class SoCCPU(StrEnum):
	vexriscv_smp = auto()
	zynq7000 = auto()
	new_cpu = auto() # If any

Then, in define the class representing the new target. This definition should contain the information about the bus standard and methods for registering interrupts and connecting memory buses.

class AIGTargetOnTARGET(AIGTarget): # (1)
	bus_standard = AIGBus.<wb/axil/axi> # (2)
	csr_bus = AIGBus.<wb/axil/axi>

	def __init__(self, frequency, size, config: Config): # (3)
		AIGTarget.__init__(self, SoCCPU.new_cpu,,, size, frequency, config)

	def _add_interrupts(self, interupts: dict): # (4)
		irqs = []
		for no, irq in interupts.items():
		return [self._comb('[' + ',\n'.join(irqs) + ']')]

	def _connect_memory_bus(self, memoryBus: Bus): # (5)
		return f'self.add_master(master={memoryBus.soc_name})'
  1. The AIGTarget implements all the methods necessary for generating the target file. The AIGTargetOnTARGET specifies target-specific actions.

  2. The bus_standard and csr_bus are the information on what bus interfaces does the target provide. With this information, if the AIG configuration uses different bus interface, a bridge will be placed.

  3. For the most part, the __init__ is supposed to initialize the AIGTarget with appropriate target, platform and cpu.

  4. Here, one needs to specify how to register interrupts within this target. interrupts is a dictionary in which keys are desired numbers for the interrupts and values are the interrupt instances themselves.

  5. Here, one needs to specify how to connect a memory bus in this target.

Last update: 2024-04-02