This documentation describes Antmicro’s open source SDI to MIPI CSI-2 Bridge which is a Lattice Crosslink FPGA-based converter board between SDI, a popular standard used in integrated video cameras for e.g. broadcasting, and MIPI CSI-2, a mobile/embedded camera standard supported directly by a variery of embedded SoCs.
The SDI bridge is a completely open source device (including KiCad PCB design files, software and FPGA designs), part of Antmicro’s broad open source hardware portfolio.
The documentation includes all the information necessary to use the SDI bridge in a practical scenario, with the following chapters:
Hardware setup - description of the hardware, physical connections and configurations,
Building the FPGA design - how to generate FPGA bitstreams for all available SDI signal configurations,
Preparing the software - how to build and use a Linux BSP supporting the SDI bridge for several example embedded boards,
Running the video stream - how to upload a bitstream and display the resulting video stream.
Custom engineering services¶
The SDI bridge is a development board and prototyping platform for building customized devices - Antmicro offers custom hardware, software and FPGA engineering services for this and other FPGA-based video processing use cases, including:
integrating the SDI bridge with other embedded plaforms
custom, integrated embedded boards with SDI input directly on the same PCB
BSPs and drivers for embedded video systems
advanced FPGA-based processing platforms
FPGA video processing pipelines
AI processing and pipelines
If you are interested in learning more, please reach out at and let us know about your requirements.