Front-end features

Graph manipulation

Node palette

On the left side there is a node palette (which can be turned off or on using the green icon in the upper left corner). To add a new node to the graph, click the node in the palette and drag it to the editor. You can also select existing nodes and copy and paste them using ctrl-c and ctrl-v keyboard shortcuts.

After loading a specification, the palette will contain all the nodes defined in it and will be divided into hierarchical categories. Additionally, a graph node named New Graph Node is always available under a Graphs category and can be used to design custom graphs.

Node context menu

In the upper right corner of each node there is a context menu toggle. It contains the following options:

  • Rename - Changes instanceName of the node. More details regarding node naming can be found in the ‘instanceName’ field of dataflow format

  • Delete - Deletes the node from the dataflow. Another way of deleting nodes is to select and press the Delete key.

  • Additional, user defined URLs. More details in the URL specification

Scroll lets you to zoom in and out. Left-clicking and dragging the editor background allows you to move around the editor area.

Left-clicking on a node allows you to select and drag the node within the editor area. Pressing the ctrl key while moving a node allows you to align the node with another one along some axis.

To create a connection, left-click a node’s connector and connect it to a connector (of a matching type, see Specification format) on another node. Double left-click on an existing connection removes it.


Settings tab

On the upper right corner of Pipeline Manager window there is a gear icon toggling settings tab. In the tab following options can be found:

  • Connection style - Switch the style of the connection between orthogonal and curved

  • AutoLayout algorithm - Choose the algorithm for automatic node placement. Autolayout algorithm is triggered in the following situations:

    • When loading the dataflow autolayout is used to place nodes without the position parameter set. Dataflow load can be triggered either via external application or choosing the Load graph file option. In this case autolayout is applied to both the main graph and the nodes in the subgraphs.

    • By pressing the Apply autolayout button in the settings tab. In this case autolayout is applied to the entire graph.

  • Background grid size - Sets the size of single grid cell visible in the background

  • Node movement step - Sets the minimum step size which can be taken along each axis when moving node.

  • Center - Pressing this buttons moves the viewport to the center of graph and sets the zoom level so that whole dataflow is visible

  • Hide layers - Metadata allows to specify layers for a certain set of interface types and connections. Toggling this checkbox allows to hide connections belonging to said layer



Pipeline Manager provides notifications describing errors occurring in:

During pipeline development or execution, notifications can display various messages to the user.

Full screen

Full screen button

Near the settings tab, there is a full screen icon. Clicking it will expand the Pipeline Manager window to full screen. Note that this feature may be disabled during embedding Pipeline Manager in an external application, make sure to allow full screen mode.

For example, in the case of embedding Pipeline Manager in an iframe, the allow="fullscreen" attribute must be set:

<iframe src="https://url" allow="fullscreen">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

Editor menu

Front end menu

Depending the application’s mode (static-html or server-app), the following options will be available in the Pipeline Manager menu:

  • Load specification - lets the user load a specification file describing the nodes that can appear in the graph (see Specification format)


    It appears only in the static-html build mode, where a specification is not delivered by a third-party app.

  • Load graph file - lets the user load a graph specification in Pipeline Manager’s internal format (see Dataflow specification).

  • Save graph file - Saves the graph currently stored in the editor into JSON using Pipeline Manager’s internal format.

  • Export graph to PNG - Saves the graph currently stored in the editor as PNG image

  • Load file - lets the user load a file describing a graph in the native format supported by the third-party application using Pipeline Manager for visualization.


    It appears only in the server-app build mode, since the third-party app performs conversion from its native format to the Dataflow format

  • Save file - saves the current graph in a native format supported by the third-party application using Pipeline Manager for visualization.


    It appears only in the server-app build mode, since the third-party app performs conversion from the Dataflow format received from the editor to its native format.

Working with the server

When Pipeline Manager works in the server-app mode, it is connected to an external application, making it possible to manipulate or execute a graph as well as save and load files in the application’s native format.

Server status

Status of the connection is displayed in the upper right corner of the editor. The color of the icon indicates the status of the connection with the server:

  • Red - No connection with the server.

  • Green - Connection with the server is established.

Extrnal application may deliver additional features by providing additional buttons in the editor menu. More details can be found in the Specification format section.

URL parameters for the frontend

The frontend of Pipeline Manager provides a set of URL parameters that can be used to change the specification, graph or default behavior of the application. Those arguments need to be encoded - we need to escape all URL-specific characters. This can be achieved either with urllib.parse.urlencode in Python:

import urllib.parse

    "spec": "",
    "graph": ""

# RESULT: ''

or with encodeURIComponent in Javascript:


// RESULT: ''

Available parameters are as follows:

  • spec - URL to the specification, by default it can be a HTTP/HTTPS URL.

  • graph - URL to the graph, by default it can be a HTTP/HTTPS URL.

  • preview - starts Pipeline Manager in read only mode, without HUD

  • include - allows to provide includes for the specification.

When it comes to spec and graph, by default we can use following URI schemes:

  • http://, https://

  • relative:// - picks a path relative to the Pipeline Manager URL

To add more URI schemes, we need to define VUE_APP_JSON_URL_SUBSTITUTES variable holding a dictionary mapping scheme name to appropriate template/prefix.

The JSON for URL substitutes can look as follows:

    "examples": "{}"

And be later be referred to as examples://sample-specification.json in URL.


The URI schemes can be passed to pipeline_manager build via --json_url_specification argument.

Passing JSON objects directly

There is also a possibility to pass JSON objects directly to the frontend, without having to save them to a file and add to URL.

This can be done by sending POST requests from an external app opening Pipeline Manager, e.g:

const iframe = document.getElementById({PipelineManagerIframe});
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({"type": "specification", "content": data}, {PipelineManagerURL});

This piece of code opens Pipeline Manager in an iframe and provides it with a data JSON object containing the requested specification.

The following message types are supported:

  • specification

  • dataflow

The requested JSON object has to be included in the content field.

Testing the front-end features

The best way to test the front-end features is to use the pipeline_manager.frontend_tester.tester_client, Third-party server example.

Last update: 2025-02-10