Kenning API

Deployment API overview

Kenning core classes and interactions between them

Figure 10 Kenning core classes and interactions between them. The green blocks represent the flow of input data passed to the model for inference. The orange blocks represent the flow of model deployment, from training to inference on target device. The grey blocks represent the inference results and metrics flow.

Kenning provides:

  • a Dataset class - performs dataset download, preparation, input preprocessing, output postprocessing and model evaluation,

  • a ModelWrapper class - trains the model, prepares the model, performs model-specific input preprocessing and output postprocessing, runs inference on host using a native framework,

  • a Optimizer class - optimizes and compiles the model,

  • a Runtime class - loads the model, performs inference on compiled model, runs target-specific processing of inputs and outputs, and runs performance benchmarks,

  • a Protocol class - implements the communication protocol between the host and the target,

  • a DataConverter class - performs conversion of data between different formats used by surrounding blocks,

  • a DataProvider class - implements providing data for inference from such sources as camera, TCP connection, or others,

  • a OutputCollector class - implements parsing and utilizing data coming from inference (such as displaying visualizations or sending results via TCP).

Model processing

The orange blocks and arrows in Figure 10 represent a model’s life cycle:

  • the model is designed, trained, evaluated and improved - the training is implemented in the ModelWrapper.


    This is an optional step - an already trained model can also be wrapped and used.

  • the model is passed to the Optimizer where it is optimized for given hardware and later compiled,

  • during inference testing, the model is sent to the target using Protocol,

  • the model is loaded on target side and used for inference using Runtime.

Once the development of the model is complete, the optimized and compiled model can be used directly on target device using Runtime.

I/O data flow

The data flow is represented in the Figure 10 with green blocks. The input data flow is depicted using green arrows, and the output data flow is depicted using grey arrows.

Firstly, the input and output data is loaded from dataset files and processed. Later, since every model has its specific input preprocessing and output postprocessing routines, the data is passed to the ModelWrapper methods in order to apply modifications. During inference testing, the data is sent to and from the target using Protocol.

Lastly, since Runtimes also have their specific representations of data, proper I/O processing is applied.

Data flow reporting

Report rendering requires performance metrics and quality metrics. The flow for this is presented with grey lines and blocks in Figure 10.

On target side, performance metrics are computed and sent back to the host using the Protocol, and later passed to report rendering. After the output data goes through processing in the Runtime and ModelWrapper, it is compared to the ground truth in the Dataset during model evaluation. In the end, the results of model evaluation are passed to report rendering.

The final report is generated as an RST file containing figures, as can be observed in the Sample autogenerated report.


kenning.core.flow.KenningFlow class allows for creation and execution of arbitrary flows built of runners. It is responsible for validating all runners provided in a config file and their IO compatibility.

class kenning.core.flow.KenningFlow(runners: list[Runner])

Bases: object

Allows for creation of custom flows using Kenning core classes.

KenningFlow class creates and executes customized flows consisting of the runners implemented based on kenning.core classes, such as DatasetProvider, ModelRunner, OutputCollector. Designed flows may be formed into non-linear, graph-like structures.

The flow may be defined either directly via dictionaries or in a predefined JSON format.

The JSON format must follow well defined structure. Each runner should consist of following entries:

type - Type of a Kenning class to use for this module parameters - Inner parameters of chosen class inputs - Optional, set of pairs (local name, global name) outputs - Optional, set of pairs (local name, global name)

All global names (inputs and outputs) must be unique. All local names are predefined for each class. All variables used as input to a runner must be defined as a output of a runner that is placed before that runner.

classmethod form_parameterschema() dict

Creates schema for the KenningFlow class.


Schema for the class.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(runners_specifications: list[dict[str, Any]]) KenningFlow

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the json schema defined in form_parameterschema. If it is then it parses json and invokes the constructor.

runners_specifications : List[Dict[str, Any]]

List of runners that creates the flow.


Object of class KenningFlow.

Return type:


  • jsonschema.ValidationError – Raised for invalid JSON description

  • Exception – Raised for undefined and redefined variables, depending on context


Main process function. Repeatedly runs constructed graph in a loop.


Runs flow one time.


kenning.core.runner.Runner - based classes are responsible for executing various operation in KenningFlow (i.e. data providing, model execution, data visualization).

The available runner implementations are:

class kenning.core.runner.Runner(inputs_sources: dict[str, tuple[int, str]], inputs_specs: dict[str, dict], outputs: dict[str, str])

Bases: IOInterface, ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Represents an operation block in Kenning Flow.


Method that cleans resources after Runner is no longer needed.

classmethod from_argparse(args: Namespace, inputs_sources: dict[str, tuple[int, str]], inputs_specs: dict[str, dict], outputs: dict[str, str]) Runner

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

This method takes the arguments created in form_argparse and uses them to create the object.

args : Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.

inputs_sources : Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]]

Input from where data is being retrieved.

inputs_specs : Dict[str, Dict]

Specifications of runner’s inputs.

outputs : Dict[str, str]

Outputs of this Runner.


Object of class Runner.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict, inputs_sources: dict[str, tuple[int, str]], inputs_specs: dict[str, dict], outputs: dict[str, str]) Runner

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the json schema defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.

inputs_sources : Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]]

Input from where data is being retrieved.

inputs_specs : Dict[str, Dict]

Specifications of runner’s inputs.

outputs : Dict[str, str]

Outputs of this Runner.


Object of class Runner.

Return type:


abstract run(inputs: dict[str, Any]) dict[str, Any]

Method used to run this Runner.

inputs : Dict[str, Any]

Inputs provided to this block.


Output of this block.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

should_close() bool

Method that checks if Runner got some exit indication (exception etc.) and the flow should close.


True if there was some exit indication.

Return type:



kennning.core.dataset.Dataset - based classes are responsible for:

  • dataset preparation, including download routines (use the --download-dataset flag to download the dataset data),

  • input preprocessing into a format expected by most models for a given task,

  • output postprocessing for the evaluation process,

  • model evaluation based on its predictions,

  • sample subdivision into training and validation datasets.

The Dataset objects are used by:

  • ModelWrapper - for training purposes and model evaluation,

  • Optimizer - can be used e.g. for extracting a calibration dataset for quantization purposes,

  • Runtime - for model evaluation on target hardware.

The available dataset implementations are included in the kenning.datasets submodule. Example implementations:

class kenning.core.dataset.Dataset(root: Path, batch_size: int = 1, download_dataset: bool = True, force_download_dataset: bool = False, external_calibration_dataset: Path | None = None, split_fraction_test: float = 0.2, split_fraction_val: float | None = None, split_seed: int = 1234, dataset_percentage: float = 1)

Bases: ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Wraps the datasets for training, evaluation and optimization.

This class provides an API for datasets used by models, compilers (i.e. for calibration) and benchmarking scripts.

Each Dataset object should implement methods for:

  • processing inputs and outputs from dataset files,

  • downloading the dataset,

  • evaluating the model based on dataset’s inputs and outputs.

The Dataset object provides routines for iterating over dataset samples with configured batch size, splitting the dataset into subsets and extracting loaded data from dataset files for training purposes.


List of input data (or data representing input data, i.e. file paths).




List of output data (or data representing output data).




The batch size for the dataset.




ID of the next data to be delivered for inference.




dataX subset representing a training set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.




dataY subset representing a training set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.




dataX subset representing a testing set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.




dataY subset representing a testing set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.




Optional dataX subset representing a validation set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.




Optional dataY subset representing a validation set. Available after executing train_test_split_representations, otherwise empty.



calibration_dataset_generator(percentage: float = 0.25, seed: int = 12345) Generator[list[Any], None, None]

Creates generator for the calibration data.

percentage : float

The fraction of data to use for calibration.

seed : int

The seed for random state.


List[Any] – List with batch input samples for calibration

abstract download_dataset_fun()

Downloads the dataset to the root directory defined in the constructor.

abstract evaluate(predictions: list, truth: list) Measurements

Evaluates the model based on the predictions.

The method should compute various quality metrics fitting for the problem the model solves - i.e. for classification it may be accuracy, precision, G-mean, for detection it may be IoU and mAP.

The evaluation results should be returned in a form of Measurements object.

predictions : List

The list of predictions from the model.

truth : List

The ground truth for given batch.


The dictionary containing the evaluation results.

Return type:


classmethod from_argparse(args: Namespace) Dataset

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

This method takes the arguments created in form_argparse and uses them to create the object.

args : Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.


Object of class Dataset.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict) Dataset

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.


Object of class Dataset.

Return type:


abstract get_class_names() list[str]

Returns list of class names in order of their IDs.


List of class names.

Return type:


get_data() tuple[list, list]

Returns the tuple of all inputs and outputs for the dataset.


It loads all entries with prepare_input_samples and prepare_output_samples to the memory - for large datasets it may result in filling the whole memory.


The list of data samples.

Return type:

Tuple[List, List]

get_data_unloaded() tuple[list, list]

Returns the input and output representations before loading.

The representations can be opened using prepare_input_samples and prepare_output_samples.


The list of data samples representations.

Return type:

Tuple[List, List]

abstract get_input_mean_std() tuple[Any, Any]

Returns mean and std values for input tensors.

The mean and std values returned here should be computed using compute_input_mean_std method.


Tuple of two variables describing mean and standardization values for a given train dataset.

Return type:

Tuple[Any, Any]

iter_test() DatasetIterator

Iterates over test data obtained from split.


Iterator over data samples.

Return type:


iter_train() DatasetIterator

Iterates over train data obtained from split.


Iterator over data samples.

Return type:


iter_val() DatasetIterator

Iterates over validation data obtained from split.


Iterator over data samples.

Return type:


abstract prepare()

Prepares dataX and dataY attributes based on the dataset contents.

This can i.e. store file paths in dataX and classes in dataY that will be later loaded using prepare_input_samples and prepare_output_samples.

prepare_external_calibration_dataset(percentage: float = 0.25, seed: int = 12345) list[Path]

Prepares the data for external calibration dataset.

This method is supposed to scan external_calibration_dataset directory and prepares the list of entries that are suitable for the prepare_input_samples method.

This method is called by the calibration_dataset_generator method to get the data for calibration when external_calibration_dataset is provided.

By default, this method scans for all files in the directory and returns the list of those files.

percentage : float

Percentage of dataset to be used.

seed : int

Random state seed.


List of objects that are usable by the prepare_input_samples method.

Return type:


prepare_input_samples(samples: list) list

Prepares input samples, i.e. load images from files, converts them.

By default the method returns data as is - without any conversions. Since the input samples can be large, it does not make sense to load all data to the memory - this method handles loading data for a given data batch.

samples : List

List of input samples to be processed.


Preprocessed input samples.

Return type:


prepare_output_samples(samples: list) list

Prepares output samples.

By default the method returns data as is. It can be used i.e. to create the one-hot output vector with class association based on a given sample.

samples : List

List of output samples to be processed.


Preprocessed output samples.

Return type:



Writes dataset checksum to file.

set_batch_size(batch_size: int)

Sets the batch size of the data in the iterator batches.

batch_size : int

Number of input samples per batch.

test_subset_len() int | None

Returns the length of a single batch from the training set.


The number of samples in a single batch from the testing set or None if the dataset has not been split

Return type:


train_subset_len() int | None

Returns the length of a single batch from the training set.


The number of samples in a single batch from the training set or None if the dataset has not been split

Return type:


train_test_split_representations(test_fraction: float | None = None, val_fraction: float | None = None, seed: int | None = None, stratify: bool = True, append_index: bool = False) tuple[list, ...]

Splits the data representations into train dataset and test dataset.

test_fraction : Optional[float]

The fraction of data to leave for model testing.

val_fraction : Optional[float]

The fraction of data to leave for model validation.

seed : Optional[int]

The seed for random state.

stratify : bool

Whether to stratify the split.

append_index : bool

Whether to return the indices of the split. If True, the returned tuple will have indices appended at the end. For example, if the split is (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test), the returned tuple will be (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, train_indices, test_indices).


Split data into train, test and optionally validation subsets.

Return type:

Tuple[List, …]

val_subset_len() int | None

Returns the length of a single batch from the training set.


The number of samples in a single batch from the validation set or None if the dataset has not been split

Return type:


verify_dataset_checksum() bool

Checks whether dataset is already downloaded in its directory.


True if dataset is downloaded.

Return type:



kenning.core.model.ModelWrapper base class requires implementing methods for:

  • model preparation,

  • model saving and loading,

  • model saving to the ONNX format,

  • model-specific preprocessing of inputs and postprocessing of outputs, if necessary,

  • model inference,

  • providing metadata (framework name and version),

  • model training,

  • input format specification,

  • conversion of model inputs and outputs to bytes for the kenning.core.protocol.Protocol objects.

The ModelWrapper provides methods for running inference in a loop for data from a dataset and measuring the model’s quality and inference performance.

The kenning.modelwrappers.frameworks submodule contains framework-wise implementations of the ModelWrapper class - they implement all methods common for given frameworks regardless of the model used.

For the Pet Dataset wrapper object, there is an example classifier implemented in TensorFlow 2.x called TensorFlowPetDatasetMobileNetV2 <>_.

Model wrapper examples:

class kenning.core.model.ModelWrapper(model_path: Path | ResourceURI, dataset: Dataset | None, from_file: bool = True, model_name: str | None = None)

Bases: IOInterface, ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Wraps the given model.

abstract convert_input_to_bytes(inputdata: Any) bytes

Converts the input returned by the preprocess_input method to bytes.

inputdata : Any

The preprocessed inputs.


Input data as byte stream.

Return type:


abstract convert_output_from_bytes(outputdata: bytes) list[Any]

Converts bytes array to the model output format.

The converted output should be compatible with postprocess_outputs method.

outputdata : bytes

Output data in raw bytes.


List of output data from a model. The converted data should be compatible with the postprocess_outputs method.

Return type:


abstract classmethod derive_io_spec_from_json_params(json_dict: dict) dict[str, list[dict]]

Creates IO specification by deriving parameters from parsed JSON dictionary. The resulting IO specification may differ from the results of get_io_specification, information that couldn’t be retrieved from JSON parameters are absent from final IO spec or are filled with general value (example: ‘-1’ for unknown dimension shape).

json_dict : Dict

JSON dictionary formed by parsing the input JSON with ModelWrapper’s parameterschema.


Dictionary that conveys input and output layers specification.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Dict]]

classmethod from_argparse(dataset: Dataset | None, args: Namespace, from_file: bool = True) ModelWrapper

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

dataset : Optional[Dataset]

The dataset object to feed to the model.

args : Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.

from_file : bool

Determines if the model should be loaded from model_path.


Object of class ModelWrapper.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict, dataset: Dataset | None = None, from_file: bool = True) ModelWrapper

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.

dataset : Optional[Dataset]

The dataset object to feed to the model.

from_file : bool

Determines if the model should be loaded from model_path.


Object of class ModelWrapper.

Return type:


abstract get_framework_and_version() tuple[str, str]

Returns name of the framework and its version in a form of a tuple.


Framework name and version.

Return type:

Tuple[str, str]

get_io_specification() dict[str, list[dict]]

Returns a saved dictionary with input and output keys that map to input and output specifications.

A single specification is a list of dictionaries with names, shapes and dtypes for each layer. The order of the dictionaries is assumed to be expected by the ModelWrapper.

It is later used in optimization and compilation steps.


Dictionary that conveys input and output layers specification.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Dict]]

abstract get_io_specification_from_model() dict[str, list[dict]]

Returns a new instance of dictionary with input and output keys that map to input and output specifications.

A single specification is a list of dictionaries with names, shapes and dtypes for each layer. The order of the dictionaries is assumed to be expected by the ModelWrapper.

It is later used in optimization and compilation steps.

It is used by get_io_specification function to get the specification and save it for later use.


Dictionary that conveys input and output layers specification.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Dict]]

abstract get_output_formats() list[str]

Returns list of names of possible output formats.


List of possible output format names.

Return type:


get_path() Path | ResourceURI

Returns path to the model in a form of a Path or ResourceURI object.


Path or URI to the model.

Return type:


abstract load_model(model_path: Path | ResourceURI)

Loads the model from file.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path or URI to the model file.

classmethod parse_io_specification_from_json(json_dict)

Return dictionary with ‘input’ and ‘output’ keys that will map to input and output specification of an object created by the argument json schema.

A single specification is a list of dictionaries with names, shapes and dtypes for each layer.

Since no object initialization is done for this method, some IO specification may be incomplete, this method fills in -1 in case the information is missing from the JSON dictionary.

json_dict : Dict

Parameters for object constructor in JSON format.


Dictionary that conveys input and output layers specification.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Dict]]

postprocess_outputs(y: list[Any]) list[Any]

Processes the outputs for a given model.

By default no action is taken, and the outputs are passed unmodified.

y : List[Any]

The list of output data from the model.


The post processed outputs from the model that need to be in format requested by the Dataset object.

Return type:


abstract prepare_model()

Downloads the model (if required) and loads it to the device.

Should be used whenever the model is actually required.

The prepare_model method should check model_prepared field to determine if the model is not already loaded.

It should also set model_prepared field to True once the model is prepared.

preprocess_input(X: list[Any]) list[Any]

Preprocesses the inputs for a given model before inference.

By default no action is taken, and the inputs are passed unmodified.

X : List[Any]

The input data from the Dataset object.


The preprocessed inputs that are ready to be fed to the model.

Return type:


abstract run_inference(X: list[Any]) list[Any]

Runs inference for a given preprocessed input.

X : List[Any]

The preprocessed inputs for the model.


The results of the inference.

Return type:


abstract save_model(model_path: Path | ResourceURI)

Saves the model to file.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path or URI to the model file.

abstract save_to_onnx(model_path: Path | ResourceURI)

Saves the model in the ONNX format.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path or URI to the model file.

test_inference() Measurements

Runs the inference on test split of the dataset.


The inference results.

Return type:



Trains the model with a given dataset.

This method should implement training routine for a given dataset and save a working model to a given path in a form of a single file.

The training should be performed with given batch size, learning rate, and number of epochs.

The model needs to be saved explicitly.


NotImplementedError – Raised when method is not implemented


kenning.core.optimizer.Optimizer objects wrap the deep learning compilation process. They can perform the model optimization (operation fusion, quantization) as well. Kenning supports executing optimizations also on the target device. To do so you can use location parameter which specifies where given Optimizer would be executed (either 'host' or 'target').

All Optimizer objects should provide methods for compiling models in ONNX format, but they can also provide support for other formats (like Keras .h5 files, or PyTorch .th files).

Example model optimizers:

class kenning.core.optimizer.Optimizer(dataset: Dataset | None, compiled_model_path: Path | ResourceURI, location: 'host' | 'target' = 'host')

Bases: ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Compiles the given model to a different format or runtime.

abstract compile(input_model_path: Path | ResourceURI, io_spec: dict[str, list[dict]] | None = None)

Compiles the given model to a target format.

The function compiles the model and saves it to the output file.

The model can be compiled to a binary, a different framework or a different programming language.

If io_spec is passed, then the function uses it during the compilation, otherwise load_io_specification is used to fetch the specification saved in input_model_path + .json.

The compiled model is saved to compiled_model_path and the specification is saved to compiled_model_path + .json

input_model_path : PathOrURI

Path to the input model.

io_spec : Optional[Dict[str, List[Dict]]]

Dictionary that has input and output keys that contain list of dictionaries mapping (property name) -> (property value) for the layers.

consult_model_type(previous_block: ModelWrapper | Optimizer, force_onnx: bool = False) str

Finds output format of the previous block in the chain matching with an input format of the current block.

previous_block : Union[ModelWrapper, Optimizer]

Previous block in the optimization chain.

force_onnx : bool

Forces ONNX format.


Matching format.

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if there is no matching format.

classmethod from_argparse(dataset: Dataset | None, args: Namespace) Optimizer

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

dataset : Optional[Dataset]

The dataset object that is optionally used for optimization.

args : Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.


Object of class Optimizer.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict, dataset: Dataset | None = None) Optimizer

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.

dataset : Optional[Dataset]

The dataset object that is optionally used for optimization.


Object of class Optimizer.

Return type:


abstract get_framework_and_version() tuple[str, str]

Returns name of the framework and its version in a form of a tuple.


Framework name and version.

Return type:

Tuple[str, str]

get_input_formats() list[str]

Returns list of names of possible input formats.


Names of possible input formats.

Return type:


get_input_type(model_path: Path | ResourceURI) str

Return input model type. If input type is set to “any”, then it is derived from model file extension.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path to the input model.


Input model type.

Return type:



Exception – Raised if input model type cannot be determined.

get_output_formats() list[str]

Returns list of names of possible output formats.


List of possible output formats.

Return type:


static get_spec_path(model_path: Path | ResourceURI) Path | ResourceURI

Returns input/output specification path for the model saved in model_path. It concatenates model_path and .json.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path where the model is saved.


Path to the input/output specification of a given model.

Return type:



Initializes optimizer, should be called before compilation.

load_io_specification(model_path: Path | ResourceURI) dict[str, list[dict]] | None

Returns saved input and output specification of a model saved in model_path if there is one. Otherwise returns None.

model_path : PathOrURI

Path to the model which specification the function should read.


Specification of a model saved in model_path if there is one. None otherwise.

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, List[Dict]]]

read_platform(platform: Platform)

Reads Platform data to configure optimization/compilation.

Platform-based entities come with lots of information on hardware architecture that can be used by the Optimizer class.

By default no data is read.

It is important to take into account that different Platform-based classes come with a different sets of attributes.

platform : Platform

object with platform details

save_io_specification(input_model_path: Path | ResourceURI, io_spec: dict[str, list[dict]] | None = None)

Internal function that saves input/output model specification which is used during both inference and compilation. If io_spec is None, the function uses specification of an input model stored in input_model_path + .json. If there is no specification stored in this path the function does not do anything.

The input/output specification is a list of dictionaries mapping properties names to their values. Legal properties names are dtype, prequantized_dtype, shape, name, scale, zero_point.

The order of the layers has to be preserved.

input_model_path : PathOrURI

Path to the input model.

io_spec : Optional[Dict[str, List[Dict]]]

Specification of the input/ouput layers.

set_compiled_model_path(compiled_model_path: Path)

Sets path for compiled model.


Path to be set.

set_input_type(inputtype: str)

Sets input type of the model for the compiler.


Path to be set.


The kenning.core.runtime.Runtime class provides interfaces for methods for running compiled models locally or remotely on a target device. Runtimes are usually compiler-specific (frameworks for deep learning compilers provide runtime libraries to run compiled models on particular hardware).

The client (host) side of the Runtime class utilizes the methods from Dataset, ModelWrapper and Protocol classes to run inference on a target device. The server (target) side of the Runtime class requires method implementation for:

  • loading a model delivered by the client,

  • preparing inputs delivered by the client,

  • running inference,

  • preparing outputs for delivery to the client,

  • (optionally) sending inference statistics.

Runtime examples:

class kenning.core.runtime.Runtime(disable_performance_measurements: bool = False)

Bases: ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Runtime object provides an API for testing inference on target devices.

abstract extract_output() list[Any]

Extracts and postprocesses the output of the model.


Postprocessed and reordered outputs of the model.

Return type:


classmethod from_argparse(args: Namespace) Runtime

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

args : Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.


Object of class Runtime.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict) Runtime

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.


Object of class Runtime.

Return type:


get_input_formats() list[str]

Returns list of names of possible input formats names.


List of possible input format names.

Return type:


get_io_spec_path(model_path: Path | ResourceURI) Path

Gets path to a input/output specification file which is model_path and .json concatenated.

model_path : PathOrURI

URI to the compiled model.


Returns path to the specification.

Return type:


get_time() float

Gets the current timestamp.


Current timestamp.

Return type:


infer(X: list[ndarray], model_wrapper: ModelWrapper, postprocess: bool = True) list[Any]

Runs inference on single batch locally using a given runtime.

X : List[np.ndarray]

Batch of data provided for inference.

model_wrapper : ModelWrapper

Model that is executed on target hardware.

postprocess : bool

Indicates if model output should be postprocessed.


Obtained values.

Return type:



Calling this function indicates that the inference session has ended.

This method should be called once all the inference data is sent to the server by the client.

This will stop performance tracking.


Calling this function indicates that the client is connected.

This method should be called once the client has connected to a server.

This will enable performance tracking.

abstract load_input(input_data: list[Any]) bool

Loads and converts delivered data to the accelerator for inference.

This method is called when the input is received from the client. It is supposed to prepare input before running inference.

input_data : List[Any]

Input data in bytes delivered by the client, preprocessed.


True if succeeded.

Return type:



ModelNotLoadedError : – Raised if model is not loaded.

load_input_from_bytes(input_data: bytes) bool

The method accepts input_data in bytes and loads it according to the input specification.

It creates np.ndarray for every input layer using the metadata in self.input_spec and quantizes the data if needed.

Some compilers can change the order of the layers. If that’s the case the method also reorders the layers to match the specification of the model.

input_data : bytes

Input data in bytes delivered by the client.


Output of the load_input method indicating if the operation succeeded.

Return type:



AttributeError – Raised if output specification is not loaded.

prepare_io_specification(input_data: bytes | None) bool

Receives the io_specification from the client in bytes and saves it for later use.

input_data stores the io_specification representation in bytes. If input_data is None, the io_specification is extracted from another source (i.e. from existing file). If it can not be found in this path, io_specification is not loaded.

When no specification file is found, the function returns True as some Runtimes may not need io_specification to run the inference.

input_data : Optional[bytes]

The io_specification` or None, if it should be loaded from another source.


True if succeeded.

Return type:


prepare_local() bool

Runs initialization for the local inference.


True if initialized successfully.

Return type:


abstract prepare_model(input_data: bytes | None) bool

Receives the model to infer from the client in bytes.

The method should load bytes with the model, optionally save to file and allocate the model on target device for inference.

input_data stores the model representation in bytes. If input_data is None, the model is extracted from another source (i.e. from existing file or directory).

input_data : Optional[bytes]

Model data or None, if the model should be loaded from another source.


True if succeeded.

Return type:


preprocess_model_to_upload(path: Path | ResourceURI) Path | ResourceURI

The method preprocesses the model to be uploaded to the client and returns a new path to it.

The method is used to prepare the model to be sent to the client. It can be used to change the model representation, for example, to compress it.

path : PathOrURI

Path to the model to preprocess.


Path to the preprocessed model.

Return type:


read_io_specification(io_spec: dict)

Saves input/output specification so that it can be used during the inference.

input_spec and output_spec are lists, where every element is a dictionary mapping (property name) -> (property value) for the layers.

The standard property names are: name, dtype and shape.

If the model is quantized it also has scale, zero_point and prequantized_dtype properties.

If the layers of the model are reorder it also has order property.

io_spec : Dict

Specification of the input/output layers.


IOSpecWrongFormat – Raised if preprocessed input data has more than one available shape.

abstract run()

Runs inference on prepared input.

The input should be introduced in runtime’s model representation, or it should be delivered using a variable that was assigned in load_input method.


ModelNotLoadedError : – Raised if model is not loaded.

upload_output(input_data: bytes) bytes

Returns the output to the client, in bytes.

The method converts the direct output from the model to bytes and returns them.

The wrapper later sends the data to the client.

input_data : bytes

Not used here.


Data to send to the client.

Return type:


upload_stats(input_data: bytes) bytes

Returns statistics of inference passes to the client.

Default implementation converts collected metrics in MeasurementsCollector to JSON format and returns them for sending.

input_data : bytes

Not used here.


Statistics to be sent to the client.

Return type:



The kenning.core.protocol.Protocol class conducts communication between the client (host) and the server (target).

The Protocol class requires method implementation for:

  • initializing the server and the client (communication-wise),

  • waiting for the incoming data,

  • data sending,

  • data receiving,

  • uploading model inputs to the server,

  • uploading the model to the server,

  • requesting inference on target,

  • downloading outputs from the server,

  • (optionally) downloading the statistics from the server (e.g. performance speed, CPU/GPU utilization, power consumption),

  • success or failure notifications from the server,

  • message parsing.

Based on the above-mentioned methods, the kenning.core.runtime.Runtime connects the host with the target.

Protocol examples:

  • NetworkProtocol - implements a TCP-based communication between the host and the client.

Protocol specification

The communication protocol is message-based. Possible messages are:

  • OK messages - indicate success, and may come with additional information,

  • ERROR messages - indicate failure,

  • DATA messages - provide input data for inference,

  • MODEL messages - provide model to load for inference,

  • PROCESS messages - request processing inputs delivered in DATA message,

  • OUTPUT messages - request processing results,

  • STATS messages - request statistics from the target device.

The message types and enclosed data are encoded in a format implemented in the kenning.core.protocol.Protocol-based class.

Communication during an inference benchmark session goes as follows:

  • The client (host) connects to the server (target),

  • The client sends a MODEL request along with the compiled model,

  • The server loads the model from request, prepares everything to run the model and sends an OK response,

  • After receiving the OK response from the server, the client starts reading input samples from the dataset, preprocesses the inputs, and sends a DATA request with the preprocessed input,

  • Upon receiving the DATA request, the server stores the input for inference, and sends an OK message,

  • Upon receiving confirmation, the client sends a PROCESS request,

  • Just after receiving the PROCESS request, the server should send an OK message to confirm start of inference, and just after the inference is finished, the server should send another OK message to confirm that the inference has finished,

  • After receiving the first OK message, the client starts measuring inference time until the second OK response is received,

  • The client sends an OUTPUT request in order to receive the outputs from the server,

  • The server sends an OK message along with the output data,

  • The client parses the output and evaluates model performance,

  • The client sends a STATS request to obtain additional statistics (inference time, CPU/GPU/Memory utilization) from the server,

  • If the server provides any statistics, it sends an OK message with the data,

  • The same process applies to the rest of input samples.

The way the message type is determined and the data between the server and the client is sent depends on the implementation of the kenning.core.protocol.Protocol class. The implementation of running inference on the given target is contained within the kenning.core.runtime.Runtime class.


kenning.core.protocol.Protocol-based classes implement the Protocol specification in a given means of transport, e.g. TCP connection or UART. It requires method implementation for:

  • server (target hardware) and client (compiling host) initialization,

  • sending and receiving data,

  • connecting and disconnecting,

  • model upload (host) and download (target hardware),

  • message parsing and creation.

class kenning.core.protocol.Protocol(timeout: int = -1)

Bases: ArgumentsHandler, ABC

The interface for the communication protocol with the target devices.

The target device acts as a server in the communication.

The machine that runs the benchmark and collects the results is the client for the target device.

The inheriting classes for this class implement at least the client-side of the communication with the target device.

abstract disconnect()

Ends connection with the other side.

download_output() tuple[bool, bytes | None]

Downloads the outputs from the target device.

Requests and downloads the latest inference output from the target device for quality measurements.


Tuple with download status (True if successful) and downloaded data.

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Optional[bytes]]

download_statistics() Measurements

Downloads inference statistics from the target device.

By default no statistics are gathered.


Inference statistics on target device.

Return type:


classmethod from_argparse(args: Namespace) Protocol

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

args : Namespace

Arguments from Protocol object.


Object of class Protocol.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict) Protocol

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.


Object of class Protocol.

Return type:


abstract gather_data(timeout: float | None = None) tuple[ServerStatus, Any | None]

Gathers data from the client.

This method should be called by receive_message in order to get data from the client.

timeout : Optional[float]

Receive timeout in seconds. If timeout > 0, this specifies the maximum wait time, in seconds. If timeout <= 0, the call won’t block, and will report the currently ready file objects. If timeout is None, the call will block until a monitored file object becomes ready.


Receive status along with received data.

Return type:

Tuple[ServerStatus, Optional[Any]]

abstract initialize_client() bool

Initializes client side of the protocol.

The client side is supposed to run on host testing the target hardware.

The parameters for the client should be provided in the constructor.


True if succeeded.

Return type:


abstract initialize_server() bool

Initializes server side of the protocol.

The server side is supposed to run on target hardware.

The parameters for the server should be provided in the constructor.


True if succeeded.

Return type:


receive_confirmation() tuple[bool, bytes | None]

Waits until the OK message is received.

Method waits for the OK message from the other side of connection.


True if OK received and attached message data, False otherwise.

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Optional[bytes]]

abstract receive_data(connection: Any, mask: int) tuple[ServerStatus, Any | None]

Receives data from the target device.

connection : Any

Connection used to read data.

mask : int

Selector mask from the event.


Status of receive and optionally data that was received.

Return type:

Tuple[ServerStatus, Optional[Any]]

abstract receive_message(timeout: float | None = None) tuple[ServerStatus, Message]

Waits for incoming data from the other side of connection.

This method should wait for the input data to arrive and return the appropriate status code along with received data.

timeout : Optional[float]

Receive timeout in seconds. If timeout > 0, this specifies the maximum wait time, in seconds. If timeout <= 0, the call won’t block, and will report the currently ready file objects. If timeout is None, the call will block until a monitored file object becomes ready.


Tuple containing server status and received message. The status is NOTHING if message is incomplete and DATA_READY if it is complete.

Return type:

Tuple[ServerStatus, Message]

request_failure() bool

Sends ERROR message back to the client if it failed to handle request.


True if sent successfully.

Return type:


request_optimization(model_path: ~pathlib.Path, get_time_func: ~typing.Callable[[], float] = <built-in function perf_counter>) tuple[bool, bytes | None]

Request optimization of model.

model_path : Path

Path to the model for optimization.

get_time_func : Callable[[], float]

Function that returns current timestamp.


First element is equal to True if optimization finished successfully and the second element contains compiled model.

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Optional[bytes]]

request_processing(get_time_func: ~typing.Callable[[], float] = <built-in function perf_counter>) bool

Requests processing of input data and waits for acknowledgement.

This method triggers inference on target device and waits until the end of inference on target device is reached.

This method measures processing time on the target device from the level of the host.

Target may send its own measurements in the statistics.

get_time_func : Callable[[], float]

Function that returns current timestamp.


True if inference finished successfully.

Return type:


request_success(data: bytes | None = b'') bool

Sends OK message back to the client once the request is finished.

data : Optional[bytes]

Optional data upon success, if any.


True if sent successfully.

Return type:


abstract send_data(data: Any) bool

Sends data to the target device.

Data can be model to use, input to process, additional configuration.

data : Any

Data to send.


True if successful.

Return type:


abstract send_message(message: Message) bool

Sends message to the target device.

message : Message

Message to be sent.


True if succeeded.

Return type:


upload_input(data: bytes) bool

Uploads input to the target device and waits for acknowledgement.

This method should wait until the target device confirms the data is delivered and preprocessed for inference.

data : bytes

Input data for inference.


True if ready for inference.

Return type:


upload_io_specification(path: Path) bool

Uploads input/output specification to the target device.

This method takes the specification in a json format from the given Path and sends it to the target device.

This method should receive the status of uploading the data to the target.

path : Path

Path to the json file.


True if data upload finished successfully.

Return type:


upload_model(path: Path) bool

Uploads the model to the target device.

This method takes the model from given Path and sends it to the target device.

This method should receive the status of uploading the model from the target.

path : Path

Path to the model.


True if model upload finished successfully.

Return type:


upload_optimizers(optimizers_cfg: dict[str, Any]) bool

Upload optimizers config to the target device.

optimizers_cfg : Dict[str, Any]

Config JSON of optimizers.


True if data upload finished successfully.

Return type:


upload_runtime(path: Path) bool

Uploads the runtime to the target device.

This method takes the binary from given Path and sends it to the target device.

This method should receive the status of runtime loading from the target.

path : Path

Path to the runtime binary.


True if runtime upload finished successfully.

Return type:



kennning.core.dataconverter.DataConverter - based classes are responsible for:

  • converting data to the format expected by surrounding block,

  • converting data from the surrounding block format to one previous block excepts.

The DataConverter objects are used by PipelineRunner during inference.

The available implementations of dataconverter are included in the kenning.dataconverters submodule. Example implementations:

class kenning.core.dataconverter.DataConverter

Bases: ArgumentsHandler, ABC

Performs conversion of data between two surrounding blocks.

This class provides an API used by Runtimes during inference execution.

Each DataConverter should implement methods for:

  • converting data from dataset to the format used by the surrounding block.

  • converting data from format used by the surrounding block to the

inference output.

abstract to_next_block(data: Any) Any

Converts data to the format used by the surrounding block.

data : Any

Data to be converted.


Converted data.

Return type:


abstract to_previous_block(data: Any) Any

Converts data from the format used by the surrounding block to one previous block expects.

data : Any

Data to be converted.


Converted data.

Return type:



The kenning.core.measurements module contains Measurements and MeasurementsCollector classes for collecting performance and quality metrics. Measurements is a dict-like object that provides various methods for adding performance metrics, adding values for time series, and updating existing values.

The dictionary held by Measurements requires serializable data, since most scripts save performance results in JSON format for later report generation.

Module containing decorators for benchmark data gathering.

class kenning.core.measurements.Measurements

Stores benchmark measurements for later processing.

This is a dict-like object that wraps all processing results for later report generation.

The dictionary in Measurements has measurement type as a key, and list of values for given measurement type.

There can be other values assigned to a given measurement type than list, but it requires explicit initialization.


Dictionary storing lists of values.



accumulate(measurementtype: str, valuetoadd: ~typing.Any, initvaluefunc: ~typing.Callable[[], ~typing.Any] = <function Measurements.<lambda>>)

Adds given value to a measurement.

This function adds given value (it can be integer, float, numpy array, or any type that implements iadd operator).

If it is the first assignment to a given measurement type, the first list element is initialized with the initvaluefunc (function returns the initial value).

measurementtype : str

The name of the measurement.

valuetoadd : Any

New value to add to the measurement.

initvaluefunc : Callable[[], Any]

The initial value of the measurement, default 0.

add_measurement(measurementtype: str, value: ~typing.Any, initialvaluefunc: ~typing.Callable[[], ~typing.Any] = <function Measurements.<lambda>>)

Add new value to a given measurement type.

measurementtype : str

The measurement type to be updated.

value : Any

The value to add.

initialvaluefunc : Callable[[], Any]

The initial value for the measurement.


Clears measurement data.


Makes copy of measurements data.

get_values(measurementtype: str) list

Returns list of values for a given measurement type.

measurementtype : str

The name of the measurement type.


List of values for a given measurement type.

Return type:


initialize_measurement(measurement_type: str, value: Any)

Sets the initial value for a given measurement type.

By default, the initial values for every measurement are empty lists. Lists are meant to collect time series data and other probed measurements for further analysis.

In case the data is collected in a different container, it should be configured explicitly.

measurement_type : str

The type (name) of the measurement.

value : Any

The initial value for the measurement type.

update_measurements(other: dict | Measurements)

Adds measurements of types given in the other object.

It requires another Measurements object, or a dictionary that has string keys and values that are lists of values. The lists from the other object are appended to the lists in this object.

other : Union[Dict, 'Measurements']

A dictionary or another Measurements object that contains lists in every entry.

class kenning.core.measurements.MeasurementsCollector

It is a ‘static’ class collecting measurements from various sources.

classmethod clear()

Clears measurement data.

classmethod save_measurements(resultpath: Path)

Saves measurements to JSON file.

resultpath : Path

Path to the saved JSON file.

classmethod set_unoptimized(optimized_measurementspath: Path, unoptimized_measurementspath: Path, remove_unoptimized_measurementsfile: bool = True)

Copies unoptimized model measurements to UNOPTIMIZED field of the optimized model measurements.

optimized_measurementspath : Path

Path to the optimized model measurements.

unoptimized_measurementspath : Path

Path to the unoptimized model measurements.

remove_unoptimized_measurementsfile : bool

Determines whether the unoptimized model measurements should be deleted.

class kenning.core.measurements.SystemStatsCollector(prefix: str, step: float = 0.1)

It is a separate thread used for collecting system statistics.

It collects:

  • CPU utilization,

  • RAM utilization,

  • GPU utilization,

  • GPU Memory utilization.

It can be executed in parallel to another function to check its utilization of resources.

get_measurements() Measurements

Returns measurements from the thread.

Collected measurements names are prefixed by the prefix given in the constructor.

The list of measurements:

  • <prefix>_cpus_percent: gives per-core CPU utilization (%),

  • <prefix>_mem_percent: gives overall memory usage (%),

  • <prefix>_gpu_utilization: gives overall GPU utilization (%),

  • <prefix>_gpu_mem_utilization: gives overall memory utilization (%),

  • <prefix>_timestamp: gives the timestamp of above measurements (ns).


Measurements object.

Return type:



Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

kenning.core.measurements.systemstatsmeasurements(measurementname: str, step: float = 0.5) Callable

Decorator for measuring memory usage of the function.

Check SystemStatsCollector.get_measurements for list of delivered measurements.

measurementname : str

The name of the measurement type.

step : float

The step for the measurements, in seconds.


Decorated function.

Return type:


kenning.core.measurements.tagmeasurements(tagname: str) Callable

Decorator for adding tags for measurements and saving their timestamps.

tagname : str

The name of tag.


Decorated function.

Return type:


kenning.core.measurements.timemeasurements(measurementname: str, get_time_func: ~typing.Callable[[], float] = <built-in function perf_counter>) Callable

Decorator for measuring time of the function.

The duration is given in nanoseconds.

measurementname : str

The name of the measurement type.

get_time_func : Callable[[], float]

Function that returns current timestamp.


Decorated function.

Return type:



The ONNXConversion object contains methods for model conversion in various frameworks to ONNX and vice versa. It also provides methods for testing the conversion process empirically on a list of deep learning models implemented in the tested frameworks.

class kenning.core.onnxconversion.ONNXConversion(framework: str, version: str)

Bases: ABC

Creates ONNX conversion support matrix for given framework and models.

add_entry(name: str, modelgenerator: Callable, **kwargs: dict[str, Any])

Adds new model for verification.

name : str

Full name of the model, should match the name of the same models in other framework’s implementations.

modelgenerator : Callable

Function that generates the model for ONNX conversion in a given framework. The callable should accept no arguments.

**kwargs : Dict[str, Any]

Additional arguments that are passed to ModelEntry object as parameters.

check_conversions(modelsdir: Path) list[Support]

Runs ONNX conversion for every model entry in the list of models.

modelsdir : Path

Path to the directory where the intermediate models will be saved.


List with Support tuples describing support status.

Return type:


abstract onnx_export(modelentry: ModelEntry, exportpath: Path) SupportStatus

Virtual function for exporting the model to ONNX in a given framework.

This method needs to be implemented for a given framework in inheriting class.

modelentry : ModelEntry

ModelEntry object.

exportpath : Path

Path to the output ONNX file.


The support status of exporting given model to ONNX.

Return type:


abstract onnx_import(modelentry: ModelEntry, importpath: Path) SupportStatus

Virtual function for importing ONNX model to a given framework.

This method needs to be implemented for a given framework in inheriting class.

modelentry : ModelEntry

ModelEntry object.

importpath : Path

Path to the input ONNX file.


The support status of importing given model from ONNX.

Return type:


abstract prepare()

Virtual function for preparing the ONNX conversion test.

This method should add model entries using add_entry methods.

It is later called in the constructor to prepare the list of models to test.


The DataProvider classes are used during deployment to provide data for inference. They can provide data from such sources as a camera, video files, microphone data or a TCP connection.

The available DataProvider implementations are included in the kenning.dataproviders submodule. Example implementations:

class kenning.core.dataprovider.DataProvider(inputs_sources: dict[str, tuple[int, str]] = {}, inputs_specs: dict[str, dict] = {}, outputs: dict[str, str] = {})

Bases: Runner, ABC

A block that introduces data to Kenning flow.

abstract detach_from_source()

Detaches from the source during shutdown.

abstract fetch_input() Any

Gets the sample from device.


Data to be processed by the model.

Return type:



Prepares the source for data gathering depending on the source type.

This will for example initialize the camera and set the self.device to it.

preprocess_input(data: Any) Any

Performs provider-specific preprocessing of inputs.

data : Any

The data to be preprocessed.


Preprocessed data.

Return type:



The OutputCollector classes are used during deployment for inference results receiving and processing. They can display the results, send them, or store them in a file.

The available output collector implementations are included in the kenning.outputcollectors submodule. Example implementations:

class kenning.core.outputcollector.OutputCollector(inputs_sources: dict[str, tuple[int, str]] = {}, inputs_specs: dict[str, dict] = {}, outputs: dict[str, str] = {})

Bases: Runner, ABC

Collects outputs from models running in the Kenning flow.

It performs final processing of data running in the Kenning flow. It can be used i.e. to display predictions, save them to file or send to other application.

abstract detach_from_output()

Detaches from the output during shutdown.

abstract process_output(input_data: Any, output_data: Any)

Returns the inferred data back to the specific place/device/connection.

Eg. it can save a video file with bounding boxes on objects or stream it via a TCP connection, or just show it on screen.

input_data : Any

Data collected from Datacollector that was processed by the model.

output_data : Any

Data returned from the model.

abstract should_close() bool

Checks if a specific exit condition was reached.

This allows the OutputCollector to close gracefully if an exit condition was reached, eg. when a key was pressed.


True if exit condition was reached to break the loop.

Return type:



The ArgumentsHandler class is responsible for concatenating arguments_structure and creating parsers for command line and JSON config arguments.

In order to make some class being able to be instantiated from command line arguments or JSON config it is required to inherit from this class or its child class and implement from_argparse or from_json methods as described in Defining arguments for core classes.

class kenning.utils.args_manager.ArgumentsHandler

Bases: ABC

Class responsible for creating parsers for arguments from command line or json configs.

The child class should define its own arguments_structure and from_argparse/from_json methods so that it could be instantiated from command line arguments or json config.

classmethod form_argparse(args: Namespace) tuple[ArgumentParser, _ArgumentGroup | None]

Creates argparse parser based on arguments_structure of class and its all parent classes.

args : argparse.Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.


Tuple with the argument parser object that can act as parent for program’s argument parser, and the corresponding arguments’ group pointer.

Return type:

Tuple[argparse.ArgumentParser, Optional[argparse._ArgumentGroup]]

classmethod form_parameterschema() dict

Creates parameter schema based on arguments_structure of class and its all parent classes.


Parameter schema for the class.

Return type:


classmethod from_argparse(args: Namespace, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) Any

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from argparse args.

args : argparse.Namespace

Arguments from ArgumentParser object.

**kwargs : Dict[str, Any]

Additional class-dependent arguments.


Instance created from provided args.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_dict: dict, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) Any

Constructor wrapper that takes the parameters from json dict.

This function checks if the given dictionary is valid according to the arguments_structure defined. If it is then it invokes the constructor.

json_dict : Dict

Arguments for the constructor.

**kwargs : Dict[str, Any]

Additional class-dependent arguments.


Instance created from provided JSON.

Return type:


to_json() dict[str, Any]

Convert object to JSON that contains its type and all parameters.


JSON config of given object.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


The ResourceManager is a singleton class which handles local and remote files for Kenning, such as datasets or models. It downloads missing files, provides paths to the available files, resolves custom URL schemes for and manages resource directories for Kenning, including cleanup.

class kenning.utils.resource_manager.ResourceManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Download and cache resources used by Kenning.

add_custom_url_schemes(custom_url_schemes: dict[str, str | Callable | None])

Add user defined URL schemes.

custom_url_schemes : Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, Callable]]]

Dictionary with custom url schemes entries. Each entry consists of schema and corresponding conversion. Conversion can be None, string pattern or callable returning string.


Remove all cached files.

get_resource(uri: str, output_path: Path | None = None) Path

Retrieve file and return path to it.

If the uri points to remote resource, then it is downloaded (if not found in cache) and validated.

uri : str

Resource URI.

output_path : Optional[Path]

Path to the output file. If not provided then the path is automatically created.


Path to the retrieved resource.

Return type:



ChecksumVerifyError : – Raised when downloaded file has invalid checksum

list_cached_files() list[Path]

Return list with cached files.


List of cached files.

Return type:


set_cache_dir(cache_dir_path: Path)

Set the cache directory path and creates it if not exists.

cache_dir_path : Path

Path to be set as cache directory.

set_max_cache_size(max_cache_size: int)

Set the max cache size.

max_cache_size : int

Max cache size in bytes.


Retrieve Kenning resources version and check if it is compatible with currently used Kenning.


The ResourceURI class is a pathlib.Path-based object allowing the user to work with Kenning resources, both using regular paths and URI schemes supported by the ResourceManager.

class kenning.utils.resource_manager.ResourceURI(uri_or_path: str | Path | ResourceURI)

Bases: Path

Handle access to resource used in Kenning.

property origin : str

Returns the original string passed to the constructor.

property parent : ResourceURI

Get parent of the URI.

property uri : str | None

Get URI of the resource.

with_name(name: str) ResourceURI

Return new URI with changed name.

name : str

New name to be used.


URI with changed name.

Return type:


with_stem(stem: str) ResourceURI

Return new URI with changed stem.

stem : str

New stem to be used.


URI with changed stem.

Return type:


with_suffix(suffix: str) ResourceURI

Return new URI with changed suffix.

suffix : str

New suffix to be used.


URI with changed suffix.

Return type:


Last update: 2025-03-17