Creating applications with Kenning

The KenningFlow allows you to run an arbitrary sequence of processing blocks that provide data, execute models using existing Kenning classes and wrappers, and processes results. You can use it to quickly create applications with Kenning after optimizing the model and using it in actual use cases.

Kenning for runtime uses both existing classes, such as ModelWrapper, Runtime, and dedicated Runner-based classes. The latter family of classes are actual functional blocks used in KenningFlow that can be used for:

  • Obtaining data from sources - DataProvider, e.g. iterating files in the filesystem, grabbing frames from a camera or downloading data from a remote source,

  • Processing and delivering data - OutputCollector, e.g. sending results to the client application, visualizing model results in GUI, or storing results in a summary file,

  • Running and processing various models,

  • Applying other actions, such as additional data analysis, preprocessing, packing, and more.

A KenningFlow scenario definition can be saved in a JSON file and then run using the kenning.scenarios.json_flow_runner script.

JSON structure

JSON configuration consist of a list of dictionaries describing each Runner-based instance.

A sample Runner specification looks as follows:

  "type": "kenning.dataproviders.camera_dataprovider.CameraDataProvider",
  "parameters": {
    "video_file_path": "/dev/video0",
    "input_memory_layout": "NCHW",
    "input_width": 608,
    "input_height": 608
  "outputs": {
    "frame": "cam_frame"

Each Runner dictionary consists of:

  • type - Runner class. E.g. CameraDataProvider,

  • parameters - parameters passed to class constructor. In this case, we specify a path to a video device (/dev/video0), expected memory format (NCHW), image size (608x608)

  • inputs - (optional) Runner instance inputs. In the example above, there are none,

  • outputs - (optional) Runner instance outputs. In the example above, it is a single output - camera frame defined as the variable cam_frame in the flow.

Runner IO

The input and output specification in Runner classes is the same as described in Model and I/O metadata.

IO compatibility

IO compatibility is checked during flow JSON parsing.

The Runner input is considered to be compatible with associated outputs if:

  • in case of numpy.ndarray: dtype and ndim are equal and each dimension has either the same length or input dimension is set as -1, which represents any length. In the input spec, there can also be multiple valid shapes. If so, they are placed in an array, i.e. [(1, -1, -1, 3), (1, 3, -1, -1)],

  • in other cases: type fields are either equal or the input type field is Any.

IO non-standard types

If the input or output is not a numpy.ndarray, then its type is described by the type field, which is a string. In the case of a detection output from an IO specification (described above) it is a List[DetectObject]. This is interpreted as a list of DetectObjects. The DetectObject is a named tuple describing detection output (class names, rectangle positions, score).

IO names and mapping

The inputs and outputs present in JSON are mappings from Runner‘s local IO names to flow global variable names, i.e. one Runner can define its outputs as {"output_name": "data"} and another runner can use it as its input with {"input_name": "data"}. These global variables must be unique and the variable defined as input needs to be defined in a previous block as output to prevent cycles in a flow’s structure. Runner IO names are specific to runner type and model (for ModelRuntimeRunner).


IO names can be obtained using the get_io_specification method.

Runtime example

In order to create a KenningFlow presenting YOLOv4 model performance, create a file flow_scenario_detection.json and include the following configuration in it:

    "type": "kenning.dataproviders.camera_dataprovider.CameraDataProvider",
    "parameters": {
      "video_file_path": "/dev/video0",
      "input_memory_layout": "NCHW",
      "input_width": 608,
      "input_height": 608
    "outputs": {
      "frame": "cam_frame"
    "type": "kenning.runners.modelruntime_runner.ModelRuntimeRunner",
    "parameters": {
      "model_wrapper": {
        "type": "kenning.modelwrappers.object_detection.yolov4.ONNXYOLOV4",
        "parameters": {
          "model_path": "kenning:///models/detection/yolov4.onnx"
      "runtime": {
        "type": "kenning.runtimes.onnx.ONNXRuntime",
          "save_model_path": "kenning:///models/detection/yolov4.onnx",
          "execution_providers": ["CUDAExecutionProvider"]
    "inputs": {
      "input": "cam_frame"
    "outputs": {
      "detection_output": "predictions"
    "type": "kenning.outputcollectors.real_time_visualizers.RealTimeDetectionVisualizer",
    "parameters": {
      "viewer_width": 512,
      "viewer_height": 512,
      "input_memory_layout": "NCHW",
      "input_color_format": "BGR"
    "inputs": {
      "frame": "cam_frame",
      "detection_data": "predictions"

This JSON creates a KenningFlow that consists of three runners - CameraDataProvider, ModelRuntimeRunner and RealTimeDetectionVisualizer:

  • The first one captures frames from a camera and passes it as a cam_frame variable.

  • The next one passes cam_frame to a detection model (in this case YOLOv4) and returns predicted detection objects as predictions.

  • The last one gets both outputs (cam_frame and predictions) and shows a detection visualization using DearPyGui.

KenningFlow execution

Now, you can execute KenningFlow using the above configuration.

With the config saved in the flow_scenario_detection.json file, run the kenning.scenarios.json_flow_runner as follows:

kenning flow --json-cfg flow_scenario_detection.json

This module runs KenningFlow defined in given JSON file. With provided config it should read image from the camera and visualize output of detection model YOLOv4.

Implemented Runners

Available implementations of Runner can be found in the Runner documentation.

To create custom runners, check Implementing new Runners for KenningFlow.

Last update: 2025-02-07