
Topwrap has support for generating FuseSoC’s core files with FuseSocBuilder. Such core file contains information about source files and synthesis tools. Generation is based on a jinja template that defaults to topwrap/templates/core.yaml.j2 but can be overridden.

Here’s an example of how to generate a simple project:

from topwrap.fuse_helper import FuseSocBuilder
fuse = FuseSocBuilder()

# add source of the IPs used in the project
fuse.add_source('DMATop.v', 'verilogSource')

# add source of the top file
fuse.add_source('top.v', 'verilogSource')

# specify the names of the Core file and the directory where sources are stored
# generate the project
fuse.build('build/top.core', 'sources')


Default template in topwrap/templates/core.yaml.j2 does not make use of resources added with add_dependency() or add_external_ip(), i.e. they won’t be present in the generated core file.

class FuseSocBuilder(part)

Use this class to generate a FuseSoC .core file

add_dependency(dependency: str)

Adds a dependency to the list of dependencies in the core file

add_external_ip(vlnv: str, name: str)

Store information about IP Cores from Vivado library to generate hooks that will add the IPs in a TCL script.

add_source(filename, type)

Adds an HDL source to the list of sources in the core file


Given a name of a directory, add all files found inside it. Recognize VHDL, Verilog, and XDC files.

build(core_filename, sources_dir=[], template_name=None)

Generate the final create .core file


additional directory with source files to add


name of jinja2 template to be used, either in working directory, or bundled with the package. defaults to a bundled template

Last update: 2024-09-17