IPConnect class

IPConnect provides the means of connecting ports and interfaces of objects that are subclasses of Wrapper. Since IPConnect is a subclass of Wrapper itself, this means that it also has IO - ports and interfaces, and that multiple IPConnects can have their ports and interfaces connected to each other (or other objects that subclass Wrapper).


Instances of Wrapper objects can be added to an IPConnect using add_component() method:

# create an IP wrapper
dma = IPWrapper('DMATop.yaml', ip_name='DMATop', instance_name='DMATop0')
ipc = IPConnect()
ipc.add_component("dma", dma)

Connections between cores can then be made with connect_ports() and connect_interfaces() based on names of the components and names of ports/interfaces:

ipc.connect_ports("comp1_port_name", "comp1_name", "comp2_port_name", "comp2_name")
ipc.connect_interfaces("comp1_interface_name", "comp1_name", "comp2_interface_name", "comp2_name")

Setting ports or interfaces of a module added to IPConnect as external with _set_port() and _set_interface() and allows these ports/interfaces to be connected to other Wrapper instances.

ipc._set_port("comp1_name", "comp1_port_name", "external_port_name")
ipc._set_interface("comp1_name", "comp1_interface_name", "external_interface_name")

This is done automatically in the make_connections() method when the design is built, based on the data from the YAML design description.

class IPConnect(*args, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs)

Connector for multiple IPs, capable of connecting their interfaces as well as individual ports.

__init__(name: str = 'ip_connector')
_connect_external_ports(internal: WrapperPort, external: WrapperPort)

Makes a pass-through connection - port of an internal module in IPConnect is connected to an external IPConnect port.

internal: WrapperPort

port of an internal module of IPConnect

external: WrapperPort

external IPConnect port

_connect_internal_ports(port1: WrapperPort, port2: WrapperPort)

Connects two ports with matching directionality. Disallowed configurations are: - input to input - output to output - inout to inout All other configurations are allowed.

port1: WrapperPort

1st port to connect

port2: WrapperPort

2nd port to connect

_connect_to_external_port(internal_port: str, internal_comp: str, external_port: str, external: DesignExternalPorts) None

Connect internal port of a component to an external port

internal_port: str

internal port name in internal_component to connect to external_port

internal_comp: str

internal component name

external_port: str

external port name

external: DesignExternalPorts

dictionary in the form of {“in”: list, “out”: list, “inout”: list} containing port names specified as external in each of the three categories. All keys are optional and lack of a category implies an empty list

_set_interface(comp_name: str, iface_name: str, external_iface_name: str) None

Set interface specified by name as an external interface

comp_name: str

name of the component - hierarchy or IP core

iface_name: str

interface name in the component

external_iface_name: str

external name of the interface specified in “external” section


ValueError – if such interface doesn’t exist

_set_port(comp_name: str, port_name: str, external_name: str) None

Set port specified by name as an external port

comp_name: str

name of the component - hierarchy or IP core

port_name: str

port name in the component

external_name: str

external name of the port specified in “external” section


ValueError – if such port doesn’t exist

add_component(name: str, component: Wrapper) None

Add a new component to this IPConnect, allowing to make connections with it

name: str

name of the component

component: Wrapper

Wrapper object

connect_interfaces(iface1: str, comp1_name: str, iface2: str, comp2_name: str) None

Make connections between all matching ports of the interfaces

iface1: str

name of the 1st interface

comp1_name: str

name of the 1st IP

iface2: str

name of the 2nd interface

comp2_name: str

name of the 2nd IP


ValueError – if any of the IPs doesn’t exist

connect_ports(port1_name: str, comp1_name: str, port2_name: str, comp2_name: str) None

Connect ports of IPs previously added to this Connector

port1_name: str

name of the port of the 1st IP

comp1_name: str

name of the 1st IP

port2_name: str

name of the port of the 2nd IP

comp2_name: str

name of the 2nd IP


ValueError – if such IP doesn’t exist

get_ports() list

Return a list of external ports of this module

make_connections(ports: DS_PortsT, interfaces: DS_InterfacesT, external: DesignExternalSection) None

Use names of port and names of ips to make connections

ports: DS_PortsT

“ports” section in the YAML design specification

interfaces: DS_InterfacesT

“interfaces” section in the YAML design specification

external: DesignExternalSection

“external” section in the YAML design specification

make_interconnect_connections(interconnects: Dict[str, DesignSectionInterconnect], external: DesignExternalSection)

Connect subordinates and managers to their respective interfaces in the interconnect

interconnects: Dict[str, DesignSectionInterconnect]

“interconnects” section in the YAML design specification

external: DesignExternalSection

“external” section in the YAML design specification

set_constant(comp_name: str, comp_port: str, target: int) None

Set a constant value on a port of an IP

comp_name: str

name of the IP or hierarchy

comp_port: str

name of the port of the IP or hierarchy

target: int

int value to be assigned


ValueError – if such IP doesn’t exist

validate_inout_connections(inouts: Collection[Tuple[str, str]])

Checks that all inout ports of any IP or hierarchy in the design are explicitly listed in the ‘external’ section.

inouts: Collection[Tuple[str, str]]

external.ports.inout section of the design description YAML

Last update: 2025-01-29