Description files

Design Description

To create a complete, fully synthesizable design, a proper design file is needed. It’s used to specify interconnects, IP cores, set their parameters’ values, describe hierarchies for the project, connect the IPs and hierarchies, and pick external ports (those which will be connected to physical I/O).

You can see example design files in examples directory. The structure is as below:

  # specify relations between IPs instance names in the
  # design yaml and IP cores description yamls
    file: {path_to_yaml_file_of_the_ip}

  name: {design_name} # optional name of the toplevel
      # see "Hierarchies" page for a detailed description of the format
  parameters: # specify IPs parameter values to be overridden
      {param_name} : {param_value}

    # specify incoming ports connections of an IP named `ip1_name`
      {port1_name} : [{ip2_name}, {port2_name}]
    # specify incoming ports connections of a hierarchy named `hier_name`
      {port1_name} : [{ip_name}, {port2_name}]
    # specify external ports connections
      {port_name} : ext_port_name

    # specify incoming interfaces connections of `ip1_name` IP
      {iface1_name} : [{ip2_name}, {iface2_name}]
    # specify incoming interfaces connections of `hier_name` hierarchy
      {iface1_name} : [{ip_name}, {iface2_name}]
    # specify external interfaces connections
      {iface_name} : ext_iface_name

    # see "Interconnect generation" page for a detailed description of the format

external: # specify names of external ports and interfaces of the top module
      - {ext_port_name}
      - [{ip_name/hierarchy_name, port_name}]
      - {ext_iface_name}
    # note that `inout:` is invalid in the interfaces section

inout ports are handled differently than in and out ports. When any IP has an inout port or when a hierarchy has an inout port specified in its external.ports.inout section, it must be included in external.ports.inout section of the parent design by specifying the name of the IP/hierarchy and port name that contains it. Name of the external port will be identical to the one in the IP core. In case of duplicate names a suffix $n is added (where n is a natural number) to the name of the second and subsequent duplicate names. inout ports cannot be connected to each other.

The design description yaml format allows creating hierarchical designs. In order to create a hierarchy, it suffices to add its name as a key in the design section and describe the hierarchy design “recursively” by using the same keys and values (ports, parameters etc.) as in the top-level design (see above). Hierarchies can be nested recursively, which means that you can create a hierarchy inside another one.

Note that IPs and hierarchies names cannot be duplicated on the same hierarchy level. For example, the design section cannot contain two identical keys, but it’s correct to have ip_name key in this section and ip_name in the design section of some hierarchy.

IP description files

Every IP wrapped by Topwrap needs a description file in YAML format.

The ports of an IP should be placed in global signals node, followed by the direction of in, out or inout. Here’s an example description of ports of Clock Crossing IP:

# file: clock_crossing.yaml
        - clkA
        - A
        - clkB
        - B

The previous example is enough to make use of any IP. However, in order to benefit from connecting whole interfaces at once, ports must belong to a named interface like in this example:

#file: axis_width_converter.yaml
        type: AXIStream
        mode: slave
                TDATA: [s_axis_tdata, 63, 0]
                TKEEP: [s_axis_tkeep, 7, 0]
                TVALID: s_axis_tvalid
                TLAST: s_axis_tlast
                TID: [s_axis_tid, 7, 0]
                TDEST: [s_axis_tdest, 7, 0]
                TUSER: s_axis_tuser
                TREADY: s_axis_tready

        type: AXIStream
        mode: master
                TREADY: m_axis_tready
                TDATA: [m_axis_tdata, 31, 0]
                TKEEP: [m_axis_tkeep, 3, 0]
                TVALID: m_axis_tvalid
                TLAST: m_axis_tlast
                TID: [m_axis_tid, 7, 0]
                TDEST: [m_axis_tdest, 7, 0]
                TUSER: m_axis_tuser
signals: # These ports don't belong to any interface
        - clk
        - rst

Names s_axis and m_axis will be used to group the selected ports. Each signal in an interface has a name which must match with the signal it’s supposed to be connected to, for example TDATA: port_name will be connected to TDATA: other_port_name.

Note that you don’t have to write IP core description yamls by hand. You can use Topwrap’s parse command (see Generating IP core description YAMLs) in order to generate yamls from HDL source files and then adjust the yaml to your needs.

Port widths

The width of every port defaults to 1. You can specify the width using this notation:

        type: AXIStream
        mode: slave
                TDATA: [s_axis_tdata, 63, 0] # 64 bits
                TVALID: s_axis_tvalid # defaults to 1 bit

        - [gpio_io_i, 31, 0] # 32 bits


Port widths don’t have to be hardcoded - you can use parameters to describe an IP core in a generic way. Values specified in IP core yamls can be overridden in a design description file (see Design Description).

    ID_WIDTH: 8

        type: AXI4Stream
        mode: slave
                TDATA: [s_axis_tdata, DATA_WIDTH-1, 0]
                TKEEP: [s_axis_tkeep, KEEP_WIDTH-1, 0]
                TID: [s_axis_tid, ID_WIDTH-1, 0]
                TDEST: [s_axis_tdest, DEST_WIDTH-1, 0]
                TUSER: [s_axis_tuser, USER_WIDTH-1, 0]

Parameters values can be integers or math expressions, which are evaluated using numexpr.evaluate().

Port slicing

You can also slice a port, to use some bits of the port as a signal that belongs to an interface. The example below means:

Port m_axi_bid of the IP core is 36 bits wide. Use bits 23..12 as the BID signal of AXI master named m_axi_1

    type: AXI
    mode: master
            BID: [m_axi_bid, 35, 0, 23, 12]

Interface Description files

Topwrap can use predefined interfaces described in YAML files that come packaged with the tool. Currently supported interfaces are AXI4, AXI3, AXI Stream, AXI Lite and Wishbone.

You can see an example file below:

name: AXI4Stream
port_prefix: AXIS
    # convention assumes the AXI Stream transmitter (master) perspective
            TVALID: tvalid
            TDATA: tdata
            TLAST: tlast
            TREADY: tready
            TID: tid
            TDEST: tdest
            TKEEP: tkeep
            TSTRB: tstrb
            TUSER: tuser
            TWAKEUP: twakeup

The name of an interface has to be unique. We also specify a prefix which will be used as a shortened identifier. Signals are either required or optional. Their direction is described from the the perspective of master (i.e. directionality of signals in the slave is flipped) - note that clock and reset are not included as these are usually inputs in both master and slave so they’re not supported in interface specification. These distinctions are used when an option to check if all mandatory signals are present is enabled and when parsing an IP core with topwrap parse (not all required signals must necessarily be present but it’s taken into account). Every signal is a key-value pair, where the key is a generic signal name (usually from interface specification) and value is a regex that is used to pair the generic name with a concrete signal name in the RTL source when using topwrap parse. This pairing is performed on signal names that are transformed to lowercase and have a common prefix of an interface they belong to removed. If a regexp occurs in such transformed signal name anywhere, that name is paired with the generic name. Since this occurs on names that have all characters in lowercase, regex must be written in lowercase as well.

Last update: 2024-09-17