Command-line Interface

Building design

To run Topwrap, use:

python -m topwrap build --design project.yml

Where project.yml should be your file with description of the top module.

You can specify a directory to be scanned for additional sources:

python -m topwrap build --sources src --design project.yml

To implement the design for a specific FPGA chip, provide the part name:

python -m topwrap build --sources src --design project.yml --part 'xc7z020clg400-3'

Connect Topwrap to Pipeline Manager

If you want to use Pipeline Manager as a UI for creating block design, you need to:

  1. Build and run Pipeline Manager server application.

python -m topwrap kpm_build_server
python -m topwrap kpm_run_server
  1. Run Topwrap’s client application, that will connect to a running Pipeline Manager server app.

python -m topwrap kpm_client [-h ip_addr] [-p port] [-d FILE] FILES

Topwrap will then try to connect to the server running on ip_addr:port and send a specification generated from FILES, which should be IP core description yamls.

If -h or -p options are not specified, ip address and port 9000 will be chosen by default.

If -d option is specified, kpm will start with specified design file loaded.

Generating IP core description YAMLs

You can also use Topwrap to generate ip core description yamls from HDL sources, that can be later used in your project.yml:

python -m topwrap parse HDL_FILES

In HDL source files, ports that belong to the same interface (e.g. wishbone or AXI), have often a common prefix, which corresponds to the interface name. If such naming convention is followed in the HDL sources, Topwrap can also divide ports into user-specified interfaces, or automatically deduce interfaces names when generating yaml file:

python -m topwrap parse --iface wishbone --iface s_axi HDL_FILES

python -m topwrap parse --iface-deduce HDL_FILES

To get help, use:

python -m topwrap [build|kpm_client|parse] --help

Last update: 2024-09-17