Anomaly detection model training and deployment on the MAX32690 Evaluation Kit

This example demonstrates how to train an example anomaly detection model and deploys it on an MCU using Kenning and Zephyr RTOS. The platform used in this example is the Analog Devices MAX32690 Evaluation Kit. This demo uses Kenning Zephyr Runtime and Zephyr RTOS for execution of the model on hardware.

Prepare an environment for development

This example uses a pre-built Docker image from Kenning Zephyr Runtime. To get started, create a Docker container with the necessary environment:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) /bin/bash

Then, create a workspace directory in the container:

mkdir -p zephyr-workspace && cd zephyr-workspace

In case the MAX32690 Evaluation Kit is connected to the desktop PC using a MAX32625PICO debugger, the Docker container needs to be started in privileged mode, with UART and ACM devices forwarded to it. Assuming that the programmer is available as /dev/ttyACM0, and UART as /dev/ttyUSB0 in the currently running system, run:

docker run --privileged --device /dev/ttyACM0 --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --rm -it -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -v /dev/serial/by-id/:/dev/serial/by-id/ -w $(pwd) /bin/bash

Then, in the Docker container, clone the Kenning Zephyr Runtime repository and install the latest Zephyr SDK:

git clone -b stable
cd kenning-zephyr-runtime/
source .venv/bin/activate


Optionally, to use the latest Kenning version, install it in the image and reload the virtual environment:

pip install "kenning[iree,tvm,torch,anomaly_detection,tensorflow,tflite,reports,renode,uart] @ git+"
source .venv/bin/activate

An environment configured this way will allow you to work with Kenning and Zephyr RTOS. For more step-by-step instructions on how to set up the environment locally, see Kenning Zephyr Runtime build instructions.

Now create a workspace director where intermediate results of commands executed further will be stored:

mkdir -p workspace

Install software necessary for flashing the MAX32690 Evaluation Kit

To flash the MAX32690 Evaluation Kit, a Maxim Micros SDK is needed.

Within the Docker image, run:

mkdir -p /usr/share/applications
wget -O ./
chmod +x ./
./ install
export PATH=/root/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD/:$PATH

Now follow along, answering prompts in the installation process. Once everything is installed successfully, it will be possible to flash the device using the evaluation app from Kenning Zephyr Runtime.


During installation, the script may notify you that it was unable to install libncurses5.

In such a case, answer Ignore and proceed with the installation - it is not needed for this demo.

Train the sample anomaly detection model (optional)


The pretrained model is available at In Kenning, such files are obtainable using the kenning:// scheme, e.g. kenning:///models/anomaly_detection/vae_cats.pth.

To skip the training step, run:


And proceed to the next section.

Once the environment is set up, the sample model can be trained. In this demo, a Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) will be used. In Kenning, there is a PytorchAnomalyDetectionVAE ModelWrapper encapsulating the model.

]Controlled Anomalies Time Series (CATS) will be used for a dataset. It provides telemetry readings of a simulated complex dynamical system with external stimuli. It provides a representative set of time series for sensors with anomalies.

The model can be trained using the following command:

kenning train test \
    --dataset-cls kenning.datasets.anomaly_detection_dataset.AnomalyDetectionDataset \
    --dataset-root ./dataset/ \
    --csv-file \
    --modelwrapper-cls kenning.modelwrappers.anomaly_detection.vae.PyTorchAnomalyDetectionVAE \
    --model-path ./vae_cats.pth \
    --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.00002 --num-epochs 4 \
    --verbosity INFO \
    --measurements workspace/vae-torch-native.json \
    --inference-batch-size 256 \
    --batch-norm --loss-beta 0.2 --loss-capacity 0.1

This command:

  • Downloads the CATS dataset from (if it has not been downloaded yet)

  • Creates the AnomalyDetectionDataset class with dataset data taken from the downloaded CSV

  • Creates the PyTorchAnomalyDetectionVAE model wrapper encapsulating the VAE model, providing necessary methods for input preprocessing, output postprocessing, model training and more

  • Trains the model using the provided batch size, learning rate, number of epochs and other exposed training parameters for the model

  • Evaluates the model at the end, providing evaluation results in ./workspace/vae-torch-native.json

  • Saves the trained model as the ./vae_cats.pth file.

Deploy the VAE model with TensorFlow Lite Micro

Once the VAE model is trained and available under ./vae_cats.pth, it can be compiled with kenning optimize command and deployed on device using either TensorFlow Lite Micro or microTVM. This section focuses on TensorFlow Lite Micro.

Let’s consider the following scenario:

# This scenario demonstrates deployment of Anomaly Detection in time series on MAX32960 Evaluation Kit
# It provides two variants of execution - a deployment on an actual hardware, and simulation in Renode
# This scenario should be executed within kenning-zephyr-runtime project, with built evaluation app for
# TFLite Micro runtime:
# west build -p always -b max32690evkit/max32690/m4 app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE="tflite.conf"
  type: ZephyrPlatform
    name: max32690evkit/max32690/m4
    # to run inference on actual hardwarem change simulated to false
    simulated: true
    zephyr_build_path: ./build/
    uart_port: /dev/ttyUSB0

# model wrapper for the VAE anomaly detection model
  type: PyTorchAnomalyDetectionVAE
    model_path: ./vae_cats.pth
    encoder_neuron_list: [16, 8]
    batch_norm: true

# A dataset used for evaluating the model
  type: AnomalyDetectionDataset
    dataset_root: ./workspace/dataset
    split_fraction_test: 0.0005
    inference_batch_size: 1
    split_seed: 12345

# run TFLite conversion from above PyTorch model to TFLite Flatbuffers
  - type: TFLiteCompiler
      target: default
      compiled_model_path: ./workspace/vae_cats.tflite
      inference_input_type: float32
      inference_output_type: float32

The scenario contents are as follows:

  • platform - specifies the target platform where the model will be deployed. In this case, the target platform is called max32690evkit/max32690/m4. simulated boolean tells whether the board should be simulated or not.

  • model_wrapper - provides a class that encapsulates necessary preprocessing and postprocessing functions for input and output data.

  • dataset - provides a class implementing methods around dataset management

  • optimizers - provides a list of optimizations that are used for optimizing and/or compiling the model.

First, compile the model using kenning optimize:

kenning optimize --cfg ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690.yml

This scenario will create a ./workspace/vae_cats.tflite file with an optimized model.

Now, to test the model in simulation or an actual hardware, the evaluation app needs to be compiled. To do so, use the west build command with a tflite.conf configuration for the selected board. However, this will build TensorFlow Lite Micro runtime with a limited set of operators. To get the runtime with just the necessary set of operators for a given model, you can provide the model that was just created.

To build the evaluation application, run:

west build -p always -b max32690evkit/max32690/m4 app -- \
      -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=tflite.conf \

Once the model and evaluation app are ready, you can simulate the board in Renode with:

kenning test --cfg ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690.yml --measurements workspace/vae-tflite-renode.json --verbosity INFO


The only difference between ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690.yml and ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690-renode.yml is which runtime and protocol is commented out. Other parts are the same.

The produced workspace/vae-tflite.json is a file with raw measurements regarding the model’s performance and predictions.

It can be parsed and rendered into a Markdown-based or HTML-based report using the kenning report command:

kenning report --measurements workspace/vae-tflite-renode.json --report-path reports/vae-tflite-renode/ --to-html

Lastly, the model can be evaluated on actual MAX32690 Evaluation Kit. To do so, first flash the board with an evaluation app:

/root/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD/openocd \
    -s /root/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD/scripts/ \
    -c 'source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]' \
    -c 'source [find target/max32690.cfg]' \
    -c 'init' -c 'targets' -c 'reset init' \
    -c 'flash write_image erase ./build/zephyr/zephyr.hex' \
    -c 'reset run' \
    -c 'shutdown'

Logs from the flashing process should look as follows to ensure successful flashing:

Open On-Chip Debugger (Analog Devices 0.12.0-1.0.0-7)  OpenOCD 0.12.0 (2023-09-27-07:53)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
Report bugs to <>
Info : CMSIS-DAP: SWD supported
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Atomic commands supported
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Test domain timer supported
Info : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 2.0.0
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Serial# = 0409170272c2c8d800000000000000000000000097969906
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)
Info : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 0 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready
Info : clock speed 2000 kHz
Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477
Info : [max32xxx.cpu] Cortex-M4 r0p1 processor detected
Info : [max32xxx.cpu] target has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for max32xxx.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
    TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State
--  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------
 0* max32xxx.cpu       cortex_m   little max32xxx.cpu       running

[max32xxx.cpu] halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x10016372 psp: 0x2000afa0
Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477
[max32xxx.cpu] halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x0000fff4 msp: 0x2000a900
auto erase enabled
wrote 131072 bytes from file ./build/zephyr/zephyr.hex in 3.210366s (39.871 KiB/s)

Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477
shutdown command invoked

Once ./build/zephyr/zephyr.hex is successfully written to the device, the model can be tested directly on hardware platform.

In order to do so, set simulated to false in the ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690.yml file. Finally, use a single-command approach, where kenning test report are invoked all at once (model is already compiled, hence lack of optimize):

kenning test report --cfg ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tflite-vae-inference-max32690.yml \
    --measurements workspace/vae-tflite-hw.json \
    --report-path reports/vae-tflite-hw/ --to-html \
    --verbosity INFO

The workspace/vae-tflite-hw.json will hold the collected performance and quality data, and reports/vae-tflite-hw/report/report.html will demonstrate the work of the model on hardware.

Deploy the VAE model with microTVM

For microTVM, the deployment looks similar to the scenario above. The only difference are the optimizers and runtimes used:

# This scenario demonstrates deployment of Anomaly Detection in time series on MAX32960 Evaluation Kit
# It provides two variants of execution - a deployment on an actual hardware, and simulation in Renode
# This scenario should be executed within kenning-zephyr-runtime project, with built evaluation app for
# microTVM runtime:
# west build -p always -b max32690evkit/max32690/m4 app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE='tvm.conf;boards/max32690evkit_max32690_m4.conf' -DKENNING_MODEL_PATH=`realpath ./vae_cats.pth`
  type: ZephyrPlatform
    name: max32690evkit/max32690/m4
    # to run inference on actual hardwarem change simulated to false
    simulated: true
    zephyr_build_path: ./build/
    uart_port: /dev/ttyUSB0

# model wrapper for the VAE anomaly detection model
  type: PyTorchAnomalyDetectionVAE
    model_path: ./vae_cats.pth
    encoder_neuron_list: [16, 8]
    batch_norm: true

# A dataset used for evaluating the model
  type: AnomalyDetectionDataset
    dataset_root: ./workspace/dataset
    split_fraction_test: 0.0005
    inference_batch_size: 1
    split_seed: 12345

# run TVM conversion from above PyTorch model
- type: TVMCompiler
    compiled_model_path: ./workspace/vae_cats.graph_data

To begin evaluation, compile the evaluation app using microTVM as the runtime:

west build -p always -b max32690evkit/max32690/m4 app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE='tvm.conf;boards/max32690evkit_max32690_m4.conf'

Then, run:

kenning optimize test report --cfg ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tvm-vae-inference-max32690.yml \
    --measurements workspace/vae-tvm-renode.json \
    --report-path reports/vae-tvm-renode/ --to-html \
    --verbosity INFO

This performs all actions at once - model optimization, model evaluation and report generation.

To test the model on hardware, set simulated in the scenario to false and then flash the device with the microTVM-based app:

/root/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD/openocd \
    -s /root/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD/scripts/ \
    -c 'source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]' \
    -c 'source [find target/max32690.cfg]' \
    -c 'init' -c 'targets' -c 'reset init' \
    -c 'flash write_image erase ./build/zephyr/zephyr.hex' \
    -c 'reset run' \
    -c 'shutdown'

Run tests on device (optimize is not necessary, since compilation was done before simulation in Renode):

kenning test report --cfg ./kenning-scenarios/zephyr-tvm-vae-inference-max32690.yml \
    --measurements workspace/vae-tvm-hw.json \
    --report-path reports/vae-tvm-hw/ --to-html \
    --verbosity INFO

Comparing performance and quality of runtimes and models

Based on the results for microTVM and TensorFlow Lite Micro runtimes, you can generate comparison reports that will show the differences in performance and quality between the two.

To generate a report for Renode simulations, run:

kenning report --measurements \
    workspace/vae-tflite-renode.json \
    workspace/vae-tvm-renode.json \
    --report-path reports/vae-tflite-tvm-comparison-renode/ --to-html \
    --verbosity INFO

For comparison of execution on hardware, run:

kenning report --measurements \
    workspace/vae-tflite-hw.json \
    workspace/vae-tvm-hw.json \
    --report-path reports/vae-tflite-tvm-comparison-hw/ --to-html \
    --verbosity INFO

The reports in HTML format will be available here:

  • reports/vae-tflite-tvm-comparison-renode/report/report.html

  • reports/vae-tflite-tvm-comparison-hw/report/report.html

Last update: 2025-03-28