Evaluating models on hardware using Kenning Zephyr Runtime¶
This section contains tutorial of evaluating models on microcontrollers using Kenning Zephyr Runtime and Renode.
Preparing the Zephyr environment¶
First, we need to setup environment for building the runtime. Start with installing dependencies:
On Debian-based Linux distributions, the above-listed dependencies can be installed as follows:
apt update
apt install -y --no-install-recommends ccache curl device-tree-compiler dfu-util file \
g++-multilib gcc gcc-multilib git jq libmagic1 libsdl2-dev make ninja-build \
python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel python3-venv \
mono-complete wget xz-utils
Next, create a Zephyr workspace directory and clone there Kenning Zephyr Runtime repository:
mkdir -p zephyr-workspace && cd zephyr-workspace
git clone https://github.com/antmicro/kenning-zephyr-runtime
cd kenning-zephyr-runtime
Then, initialize Zephyr workspace, ensure that latest Zephyr SDK is installed, and prepare a Python’s virtual environment with:
source .venv/bin/activate
Finally, prepare additional modules:
Installing Kenning with Renode support¶
Evaluating models using Kenning Zephyr Runtime requires Kenning with Renode support.
Use pip
to install it:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "kenning[tvm,tensorflow,reports,renode] @ git+https://github.com/antmicro/kenning.git"
To use Renode, either follow Renode documentation or download a package for Renode and set PYRENODE_PKG
variable for pyrenode3 package:
wget https://builds.renode.io/renode-latest.pkg.tar.xz
export PYRENODE_PKG=$(realpath renode-latest.pkg.tar.xz)
Building and evaluating Magic Wand model using TFLite backend¶
Let’s build the Kenning Zephyr Runtime with TFLiteMicro as model executor for stm32f746g_disco
west build --board stm32f746g_disco app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=tflite.conf
The built binary can be found in build/zephyr/zephyr.elf
To evaluate the Magic Wand model using built runtime, run:
kenning optimize test \
--json-cfg kenning-scenarios/renode-zephyr-tflite-magic-wand-inference.json \
--measurements build/zephyr-stm32-tflite-magic-wand.json --verbosity INFO \
--verbosity INFO
The evaluation results would be saved at build/zephyr-stm32-tflite-magic-wand.json
Building and evaluating Magic Wand model using microTVM backend¶
Building the Kenning Zephyr Runtime with microTVM support for the same board requires changing only -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE
west build --board stm32f746g_disco app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=tvm.conf
And now, as previously, run evaluation using Kenning:
kenning optimize test \
--json-cfg kenning-scenarios/renode-zephyr-tvm-magic-wand-inference.json \
--measurements build/zephyr-stm32-tvm-magic-wand.json --verbosity INFO \
--verbosity INFO
The evaluation results would be saved at zephyr-stm32-tvm-magic-wand.json
Comparing the results¶
To generate comparison report run:
kenning report \
--measurements \
build/zephyr-stm32-tflite-magic-wand.json \
build/zephyr-stm32-tvm-magic-wand.json \
--report-path build/zephyr-stm32-tflite-tvm-comparison.md \
--report-types renode_stats performance classification \
The HTML version of the report should be saved at build/zephyr-stm32-tflite-tvm-comparison/zephyr-stm32-tflite-tvm-comparison.html