Row Hammer DMA attacker
This module allows to perform a Row Hammer attack by configuring it with two addresses that map to different rows of a single bank. When enabled, it will perform alternating DMA reads from the given locations, which will result in the DRAM controller having to repeatedly open/close rows at each read access.
Register Listing for ROWHAMMER¶
Register |
Address |
Address: 0xf0002800 + 0x0 = 0xf0002800
Used to start/stop the operation of the module
Address: 0xf0002800 + 0x4 = 0xf0002804
First attacked address
Address: 0xf0002800 + 0x8 = 0xf0002808
Second attacked address
Address: 0xf0002800 + 0xc = 0xf000280c
This is the number of DMA accesses performed. When the module is enabled, the value can be freely read. When the module is disabled, the register is clear-on- write and has to be read before the next attack.